Some days and seasons are just
phew!! Fruit preservation times I should say (fruit of the Spirit that is).I will give you a list of flames under the cooking pot.
1 A few days ago my landline telephone stopped working. Two days back workmen came, had a look , said something to each other and went away.
2. My internet was jumpy and yesterday I lost it completely.This evening I went outside and fiddled with some loose telephone wires and now I have it back. But the fluctuating electricity affects it. Why are we slaves to technology. StoneAge dwellers were much happier.
3. This morning I got up at 4 am to discover there was not a drop of water in our overhead water tank.We don 't have have a 24 hr water supply. Our water comes for a few hours morning and evening, so we have to pump it into a storage tank.When the water supply started at 5 am I pumped it up but found it soon drained out.
Miss Sherlock Holmes found the garden tap was leaking. ..somebody had tampered with it. Got that fixed and re-pumped the H2O but again it drained out.This time Ms Holmes detective skills failed completely and because the elderly ladies of the household started showing signs of
illogical paranoia, her fruit

of the Spirit tree started withering at an alarming rate.Anyway she revived herself with a large beaker of coffee and the Word of the Lord.
3. Today was the day to take my 86 yr. old Aunt Sybil to a govt. hospital to get a doctor to certify her thumb impression as she cannot sign on her bank papers ( she is suffering from dementia and failing eye-sight).Pastor S offered to help me.
While getting the papers in order I found one of them missing and flew into a panic, begging God to help me and He did After a good deal of freaking out I found it.
4. When our garden helper arrived, he found one of our water pipes was leaking, causing the tank to drain.He tried to fix it but could not.I called a plumber to replace the pipe later on.
5Our rest room water closet started acting funny , I twiddled with it and fixed it.
6. Since we don 't have a regular driver I hire a driver from our car garage. Today he sent a young man known to drive a little recklessly and I was forced to trust him with our lives - he did a decent job.
7. Pastor S met us at the hospital. Found out that the govt. declared today as an impromptu holiday in honor of some important person 's birthday, so everybody had to go home. As its so difficult to take Aunt S out , we tried to get in edgeways. Saw a senior doctor sitting in a very impressive office.He reminded us of the holiday and said only the Chief Medical Officer was authorised to issue the certificate. So tomorrow we 'll climb the mountain again.
8. Got home and Aunt S was all exhausted and drained out, she cannot cope with changes, just going out depleted her. She recovered after a lie down. Mom got very nervous in the meanwhile - I had to calm her down.
9. Late evening my cell phone locked itself first time in four and a half years. I could see the devil rolling with laughter. Actually I was laughing too - at him.
I need my cell phone because my landline is not working. I have to keep in touch with my younger sister Namrita whose husband is about to undergo laser surgery for a kidney stone.So I went off to the shop. There was a large crowd there. Two young men smiled and greeted me. First I started at them blankly because they appeared complete strangers.But I said to myself ; they are my nephew 's age so let me ask for their help.Miss Congeniality approached them with her problem and one of them fixed it in a jiffy. How God sends angels! Turned out that these boys work in a computer parts store I go to sometimes.
10. While we all were watching a Christian TV prog. in the evening the stir fry radish I was cooking got a little scorched as I was engrossed in the message.Doesn 't matter our dinner was flavored with The Message. LOL.
The day ended well after all the tears,fears and cheers, and
I must say the Fruit of the Spirit Tree got attacked by locusts a couple of times.
The Bible says, "Consider it all joy,my brethren, when you encounter various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith profuces endurance"
James 1;2,3 (NASB)