Had good church this morning. Our temp. is hitting 110 and more 44.5 c but its not humid yet which is OK for me. Its the humidity that i can 't bear.Our plumbing work is almost done the underground pipes have to covered
After church we got a call from Prem saying his Mon had slipped into a coma. She was at home with her family, the way she wanted. We called up Chennai and talked to Prem 's brother Anand.Mama wept as she comforted him and asked him to release his Mum into God 's care.Heaven 's door had opened for Mummy.
Later on in the evening Prem called again to say that the Lord has his Mum home.
Please pray for the Jeyapaul family.
We called them up and other relatives too.
Aunty Jeyapaul was woman of faith, a great home-maker, wife, mother and patient care-giver to Dolly their developmentally challenged daughter.She was a mathematics teacher but she left her job to look after Dolly, which she did for more than 45 years.
This photo is 24 years old from Prem and Anju 's wedding reception

L-R Dolly, Anand,Uncle Jeyapaul, Prem, Anju, Aunty Jeyapaul, and Janet.
After hearing the news, I just wanted to catch my breath so to speak, so I turned on God TV and on Charles Stanley 's program there was Ricky Scaggs singing"Farther Along" That song and Rev Stanley 's message on the resurrection of Lazarus really comforted us.