In the wee hours of June 26th, Anut Sybil slipped into the arms of her Saviour Jesus. She was taken peacefully in her sleep.
Family, friends and church people were contacted and we had the funeral yesterday afternoon. As per our custom we have the funeral within 24 hours unless we have to wait for people to travel a great distance.
It has been a very heavy 36 hrs time period for us. But we had the love and support of God 's people and most of all the presence and comfort of the Holy Spirit.
Thank you very much for your prayers.We need them all the more.
Friday, 27 June 2008
Safe in the Arms of Jesus
Posted by Amrita at Friday, June 27, 2008 37 Fertilize my soul
Labels: Family
Wednesday, 25 June 2008
My Stress Busters
The following are my stress busters
Blogging and web surfing
Room fresheners and incense - aroma therapy.
Visiting with friends
My pets
Enjoying nature
When I was younger writing poetry was a way to release tension, but now I don 't write poems anymore.
What are your stress busters?
This is a cool video I stole from a friend 's blog. Even though I am going through a tough time ,this song brought a smile.
Posted by Amrita at Wednesday, June 25, 2008 22 Fertilize my soul
Monday, 23 June 2008
Sunday Blessings - Family - Menagerie
It rained quite a bit but not during church time, so Mama could go..
The Lord came to our rescue so mercifully.Since the past 10 days Aunt S was having a health issue and I was trying all known treatments to no avail. The Lord answered my prayers on Sunday afternoon.
God tests our faith, sometimes the furnace is heated up to three times and when our testing is over He reaches out and rescues us.This process develops patience and endurance in us and enables us to comfort others who are in a similar situation.Although at that time it is not pleasant at all.
I 've been listening to my old 80s and 90s music tapes of The Imperials and Petra.Remember The Imperials anyone? I only have one tape of theirs which I copied from someone. This song is great. Altho like I the
Posted by Amrita at Monday, June 23, 2008 14 Fertilize my soul
Labels: Sunday Blessings
Saturday, 21 June 2008
The Last (S) nail in the Door
Thank you for your prayers dear friends.Coping with rapidly declining Aunt Sybil has been hard but because of your prayers and encouragement I am developing load bearing strategies.I have to be patient with myself , first of all ,as I severely lack the qualities of Mother Teresa, Florence Nightingale and Elizabeth Fry.
Its been raining continually this week too.No sun at all. Brought the temperature down , but the dampness is not welcomed. And although the monsoon brings relief from the heat and drought it has its downside because we have to face problems regarding infrastructure, transport, water logging, monsoon diseases.Pretty good list eh? But Praise God we have been protected.
The rainy season brings a number of guests into our garden, like this little snail.And you know what he 's saying?
BE A GOOD NEIGHBOUR, KEEP AWAY FROM ME!Well, that some snail talk.
Two days ago Mama spotted a peacock in the garden. By the time I could get my camera out it flew away into the trees and lost it.
I 've enjoyed reading and commenting on your blogs dear pals and also discovered new ones by westerners travelling in India.
Posted by Amrita at Saturday, June 21, 2008 11 Fertilize my soul
Monday, 16 June 2008
Sunday Blessings - Family Men
Just can 't resist posting this picture of my Papa eating grapefruit with 4 or 5 year old Mahima (now going to be 16). This was a relaxing winter morning activity for both of them. Below is Prem with Ashish in the New Brunswick snow.

Please pray for me. I am struggling with my elder care duties. Aunt Sybil 's pain is much less, but she can 't walk much, has to assisted in every way.Her mind also is slowing down rapidly. I have to do all her thinking and physical work. Causes a lot of strain and I just about fall pieces.Please pray for me.
By the way, Papa and Mahima used to like their grapefruit with sugar sprinkled on the top. I like mine that way and add a little salt and pepper too.How do you like yours?
Posted by Amrita at Monday, June 16, 2008 23 Fertilize my soul
Labels: Sunday Blessings
Saturday, 14 June 2008
Smiling Saturday
Posted by Amrita at Saturday, June 14, 2008 4 Fertilize my soul
Labels: The World around me
You Are My Hiding Place
I would like to wish all Dads Specially some great Dads which great blogs
Posted by Amrita at Saturday, June 14, 2008 12 Fertilize my soul
Labels: Video
Wednesday, 11 June 2008
In God 's Clinic
My friend Terry who is very talented in composing photos did this for me. Thank you so Terry, you are a diamond and Felisol our Norwegian ruby.
Posted by Amrita at Wednesday, June 11, 2008 18 Fertilize my soul
Labels: Blessings, Prayer request
Tuesday, 10 June 2008
This morning as I was having my Quiet Time my mother came to me saying last night she had seen the follwing story on a news channel and sure enough it was in my newspaper too . Obama turns to Lord Hanuman for blessing
It is surprising and unusual, but true. The Democratic Party's presidential nominee for the November elections in the US, Barack Obama, is seeking the blessings of Hindu God Hanuman in his battle for the White House
BARACK OBAMA, the 46-year-old Illinois senator, who emerged victorious in an epic 17-month long electoral battle for Democratic party nomination, by defeating his rival Hillary Clinton, carries a ’tiny monkey god’ with him for good luck. It apparently represents Lord Hanuman.
A recent photo posted on Time’s White House Photo of the Day collection shows that Obama carries with him a bracelet belonging to an American soldier deployed in Iraq, a gambler’s lucky chit, a tiny monkey god and a tiny Madonna and child.
According to the posting, "That tiny monkey god, of course, appears to be a statue of the Hindu monkey god, Hanuman. However it has not been identified by the editors and the photographer as such.
Obama’s father was a Kenyan and mother a white woman from Kansas. The initial days of his life were spent in Indonesia where Hinduism is a popular religion.
The Bible says in Exodus 20,3,4
3You shall not have other gods besides me.
4You shall not carve idols for yourselves in the shape of anything in the sky above or on the earth below or in the waters beneath the earth
These are the first two commandments.
Jesus said in John 4;24 "God is spirit and those who worship Him , must worship Him in spirit and in truth".
We cannot share faith in the God of the Bible with other gods and philosophies.Jesus is the ONLY way, truth and the life.
My friend (philosopher, writer and international speaker)and elder brother in Christ, Vishal Mangalwadi has wriiten several books about eastern religions and Christianity and Indian social issues.His CD series entilted Must the Sun Set On the West ? deals with the changes taking place in Western society. He is also making a film called The Book of the Millenium, showing how the Bible and Christianity have shaped history.
Please check out his website, I have linked it.
Posted by Amrita at Tuesday, June 10, 2008 8 Fertilize my soul
Labels: news
Monday, 9 June 2008
Sunday Blessings - Visitors
We had evening service , but all morning visitors dropped by. First, an Indian couple from Malaysia who lived there for many years and now have returned to teach at the Christian University.It was a time of reviving old memories of fellowship. Then came two young interns (girls)from the Medical College.Everybody had cookies, cake and orange squash.
I feel so humbled after reading your comments on my post entitled Mahima's Milestone.
I am a very weak person and fall short of the glory of God.Mahima must have seen me like this - and said," If Maasi can be a Christian, so can I".LOL.
Jesus can transform us into His workmanship for His namesake Right? We just have to come to Him the way we are.
Thank you Curious Servant of for locating me on Google Earth. I rather significant after looking at the photo.
Just want to mention here a www friend of mine started a blog here please drop by and say hello for encouragment.
Posted by Amrita at Monday, June 09, 2008 12 Fertilize my soul
Labels: Sunday Blessings
Saturday, 7 June 2008
The Third Horse
I have been reading the Book of Revelation (last book of the Bible) for my Quiet Time and its been a time of reflection,worship, interpretation, learning and trembling awe.Seems so many events prophesied for the Last Days are taking place.This is not a theological discourse involving time-lines and dispensations etc, just my own musing..
"When he broke open the third seal, I heard the third living creature cry out, "Come forward." I looked, and there was a black horse, and its rider held a scale in his hand.
I heard what seemed to be a voice in the midst of the four living creatures. It said, "A ration of wheat costs a day's pay, and three rations of barley cost a day's pay. But do not damage the olive oil or the wine" NAB

Posted by Amrita at Saturday, June 07, 2008 8 Fertilize my soul
Labels: Aside, Celebrating India, Soul Searching
Wednesday, 4 June 2008
Rain Dance
Posted by Amrita at Wednesday, June 04, 2008 12 Fertilize my soul
Labels: Family, Fun-o-matics
Tuesday, 3 June 2008
Mahima 's Milestone
Last weekend my neice Mahima got baptised in her church.
Prem, my BIL called up and told us about it. In her testimony she said that she was led to the Lord by her Aunt Amrita.I was surprised as I did not remember leading her to the Lord.
When the kids were small and they used to visit India from Nigeria I used to tell them Bible stories and bed time stories. Maybe it was one of those occasions.But Praise God for it.
During our family prayers Mahima choose a couple of choruses and songs and she would say the first prayer sometimes lapsing into cute Nigerian pidgin English, which we loved to hear.In her childish way she used to repeat some prayer requests again and again and one of us used to interrupt and say,"Mahima you prayed about it before." But she wouldn 't stop unless she was sure the Lord had heard her.
Those were good family worship times.
God bless you Mahima. may you always walk with the Lord.
In the picture you can see her with her Korean friend.
Posted by Amrita at Tuesday, June 03, 2008 15 Fertilize my soul
Labels: Family
Monday, 2 June 2008
Sunday Blessings - Abnerspeak
Abner watching telly Had church in the evening as the stand -in Pastor was free only in the evenings.
Its good to see how teaching in church and Sunday school creates an awareness in children.
A Hindu friend of ours came to see us.When the adults were not there Abner (Sonia 's 6 yr old son) had a talk with him
Abner: Are you a Hindu or a Christian?
Ravi (jokingly) : I am a Christian.
Abner: No you can 't be a Christian because you are wearing a temple thread on your wrist. Christians don 't wear that.
Ravi: I believe in Jesus, and I believe in all religions.
Abner: But you must only believe in Jesus.
The Bible says God will use little children to spread His truth.
Jesus said I am the way, the truth and the life, no man comes to the Father but by me.
Posted by Amrita at Monday, June 02, 2008 12 Fertilize my soul
Labels: Sunday Blessings