Some days are more adventurous than others. Let me tell you what I encountered as I set out to get an important document which I need for official work.
I had to get a photograph for an image identity. Usually the photographers hand over the phot0 within 10 minutes. But the daily 3 hour power outage was on and the man said that his generator guy had not shown up - so he could not print out my photo. I had to go later today and get it. Why could this healthy young man not turn on his power generator himself? Power rules.
I went to the document office and bought 2 forms. I showed them my current identity cards and stuff which they promptly rejected. I need a government seal on my ration card. When the government was issuing my ration card why did they not stamp it? I feel like stamping my foot at them.
My lawyer told me that he would help me get my ration card stamped. So I went to the courthouse to meet him. The rickshaw-driver must have been on a suicidal mission because he drove so rashly and I had to keep on cautioning him.
Upon examining the R-card Mr Lawyer said that I would have to go to the Ration Office to get it stamped.Why couldn 't he tell me that on the phone? Obviously that 's what lawyers are for - leading you around the winding path.
The lawyer 's office gave me a vague idea of the whereabouts of the Ration Office, but I was fortunate to get a smart rickshaw driver. The r

oad in front of the courthouse was jammed with agitating lawyers when I got out. They were protesting against something and were not letting anyone pass on the main road. I was scared because these events lead up clashes with the police and and all sorts of violent action. We turned into a side street to escape which was such a torture as the road was very narrow and unpaved.
I found the Ration Office after asking for directions at various places. It is located in an old dilapidated British bungalow. I had to go to the back of the building on a very narrow path and who should be blocking the way...a stray cow!!! I am very scared of these animals as they can suddenly poke you with their sharp horns. I ask
ed 2 boys to shoo the cow away. they tried but it refused to give up its right of way. So I nervously edged past it. What cannot be chased away has to taken by the horns.
The clerk in R-Office was very obliging and he stamped my card without any fuss and did not ask for a bribe.
This was my greatest moment of triumph.
In the evening I went to the photographers to pick up my photos.The guy asked me to wait for "5" minutes as his printer was not working and he had sent an errand boy to get them printed somewhere else. All this sounded highly suspicious. And experience told me the "FIVE MINUTES' could be multiplied by double digits. No way was I going to twiddle my thumbs waiting in this shop.
I went a nearby shopping Mall to practice self control. After keeping my purse tightly shut for 40 minutes I went back to the photographers and found the guy 's mother behind the counter instead. He had disappeared somewhere to get the orders printed.
While I warched the seconds hand crawl round and round on the clock an American tourist couple (fifty-ish) came in.
I couldn 't help having a mental conversation with them.
Are you bloggers?
What is your blog address?
If I had really gone up to them and spoken to them, they would have thought; Is this Indian woman mad or something?
How easy it is to make friends on the web. Its like living on the same cyber street. But in real life things are so different.
I wonder if all us blogging buddies lived in the same town, would be still be friends with each other?
Anyway the prodigal son returned with my photos and I was so relieved at that.
By now I was feeling very thirsty and hungry, so I did what I usually don 't do alone. I stopped at the Pentecostal Chaatwala 's stand. I

have named him Pentecostal Chaatwala because his snack stand is just outside the gate of the Pentecostal Church. He is not Pentecostal. In order to quench

my thirst I downloaded a plate of paani pooris.
So I got home safe and sound with my photos and tomorrow I will fill out the application form and submit it and wait for the proceedings to begin.
Today we 've had frequent power cuts and my Internet Browser is skittish.
I will end by saying "The joy of the lord is my strength"
and all 's well that ends well.