This is the Shakespearean aside in which a character goes to one side of the stage and talks to himself/herself.
I read on a blog that someone needs $18,000 to renovate their basement.I could renovate my church & turn the campus into Hyde Park with that.Couldn 't stop chuckling to myself.
I read on a blog that someone needs $18,000 to renovate their basement.I could renovate my church & turn the campus into Hyde Park with that.Couldn 't stop chuckling to myself.

5 Fertilize my soul:
Amrita WOW! what a BIG amount of money! Well haha! I agree, I cannot imagine that people 'missuse' SO MUCH money for just a basement???? No way!
I like the 'Shakespearean' character... the milky white clour, I like that too, wen don't have that colour buildings here.
JoAnn greetings
Hi ,
I've tagged your blog(look under my header)so that other people visit your blog trough mine. Although,(....) now you 'have' also to point out 8 facts about yourself in your post. (don't have to!)
Greetings from JoAnn
Thank you for the reality check. Please keep them coming!
Our world is upside down....while I know that God cares for the poor, I also knows he cares for the rich....He says we are all poor, and naked and blind....
So, I have a heart for those with money as well as having a heart for those without. I think my bigger heart is for those with money - I have to be honest - these are the people that I am used to walking with, and the people who many disdain. But I do understand when you make your comment about how if you had the money that a person spent on his basement, what you could do with it. Having grwon up in Africa in not rich conditions I also understand the plight of poverty...but there is a plight that many Christ followers do not want to look at, and that is the life of the rich and famous, or rich an infamous.....someone has to have a heart for them, and I have that... At this point I do not know how to reach them. When I was in UN circles I could, but now my life is a little different, but the heart is still the same...I love those that walk in those circles....and I know that I have the heart of God for them.
I did nt get the significance of the aside - is this were they rehearse or something before the play - why would they need so much space for one person - that would be a strange feeling like an author whose work has never been read- gives me the creeps..
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