That 's my nephew Ashish (blessing) Happy birthday Ashu. Today he is 22 years old.He is just finishing his BBA from UNB and has already got a job as financial advisor in a reputed bank.
We are looking for a committed Christian godly young lady for him.You guys know anyone LOL.
Ashu is very involved in his church. He is president of the Alpha Bible Study and each Tuesday he helps his church in an outreach for underprivileged kids.
He is very gentle and kind hearted. When he was in school he used to give away his stationary to kids who did not have nice stuff.Once a class bully hurt him but he did not want his Mom to report him to the teacher as the bully would be paddled.But his Mom did, if I remember correctly.
May God bless you Ashu and give you a bright and happy future.
Tuesday, 29 April 2008
Tall, Dark and Handsome
Posted by Amrita at Tuesday, April 29, 2008 14 Fertilize my soul
Deep Waters
Yesterday morning we struck loamy sand at 130 feet. Then the water ran out. A fresh tanker arrived at 11.30am but it was too hot to work in the 110 F heat.When work resumed in the evening the generator busted.The contractor had to be called in. He carted the genset to a repair shop and brought it back late at night. So this morning the boys are back at work as you can see in the photo. They are in their teens and early twenties.With this hard work they support themselves and their families.We could get a machine to drill the well, but they are very costly, beyond our means, so had to resort to the manual method.Hopefully they will strike clean, clear water sometime today.after that the pipes, pump plumbing & electrical connections will be installed.A good deal of work.
Pray that everything will hold together.The Lord is in the center of all this.. When He instructed Abraham to leave Ur of the Chaldes He did not give him a detailed road map.Abraham and his clan went through the expected and unexpected day by day. So are we , waiting upon the Lord and expecting great things from Him.
Posted by Amrita at Tuesday, April 29, 2008 3 Fertilize my soul
Sunday, 27 April 2008
Sunday Blessings - He Leads Me Beside Still Waters
Had a good service.Pastor 's younger brother attended for the very first time. He is a Hindu.
The boys drilled till the water lasted. About 80 feet. We are supplying all the water from our house supply. We have attached a pump to a our outdoor tap and with a long hose we are filling this trench with water.
Tonight our electricity supply is blinking all the time. Its real frustrating.We are living in a war zone. Please pray for endurance. Visiting blogs and posting is quite a challenge.And I want to watch a movie called Monster-in-Law on HBO.Its supposed to be funny.
Posted by Amrita at Sunday, April 27, 2008 10 Fertilize my soul
Labels: Sunday Blessings
Saturday, 26 April 2008
Camp Rephidim - Exodus 17
At the commencement of the drilling Pastor Shaileendra read from Exodus the Lord provided water for the children of Israel at Rephidim.The Lord is providing for us in the same way. Glory be to His name.
Posted by Amrita at Saturday, April 26, 2008 5 Fertilize my soul
Well Driven
Posted by Amrita at Saturday, April 26, 2008 3 Fertilize my soul
Friday, 25 April 2008
On Dry Ground
(below diagram of a bore well)

Posted by Amrita at Friday, April 25, 2008 11 Fertilize my soul
Tuesday, 22 April 2008
Saying Goodbye
It was hard to say goodbye to Prem on Monday afternoon. He is not only a brother in Christ but also a father figure to me. His name, Prem means love but his second name should be Barnabas...son of encouragement.
Posted by Amrita at Tuesday, April 22, 2008 15 Fertilize my soul
The Week That Was
Posted by Amrita at Tuesday, April 22, 2008 12 Fertilize my soul
Friday, 18 April 2008
This Week
My dear friends, this week I 've not been able to blog as I"m bust with Prem 's visit.
God has been veey good to us throughout.he has showered His blessings upon us.
My old fridge was beyond repair and Prem who has a heart of gold bought me a new one.He also got me a microwave.
Posted by Amrita at Friday, April 18, 2008 20 Fertilize my soul
Sunday, 13 April 2008
Sunday Blessings - We shall overcome
Got Prem from the airport yesterday afternoon. We are so happy to see him after 4 years.Lots of news to catch on,altho we talk regularly on the Internet and phone.
Posted by Amrita at Sunday, April 13, 2008 24 Fertilize my soul
Labels: Sunday Blessings
Friday, 11 April 2008
Hanging in there
Mahima and Sheeba on a rickshaw , two years ago.
Posted by Amrita at Friday, April 11, 2008 16 Fertilize my soul
Wednesday, 9 April 2008
Bowl of Cream Day
Posted by Amrita at Wednesday, April 09, 2008 12 Fertilize my soul
Tuesday, 8 April 2008
My beautiful Family
I have asked you to pray for Prem and his mother.I want to show you their family.
(left)- Anju (my sister) and Prem
(below) Ashish (meaning blessing) with Anju. He is finishing B.B.A. and already has a job as a finance advisor in a bank.

Relaxing on the lawn is Mahima , ( Name means Glory) she is 15 years and in High School.She likes painting and photography.They are all very strong in the Lord and involved in church.
Posted by Amrita at Tuesday, April 08, 2008 16 Fertilize my soul
Monday, 7 April 2008
Sunday Blessings - and Monday Wash
Church was good with Communion presided by Dr M the ECI Bishop. Our church is affiliated with the Evangelical Church of India, we are not their full fledged members.
The song leader was a pastor in training and he can't sing, but his enthusiasm kept us going. The guy who gave a special number also tried a bit too hard.Its the spirit which counts right?
After service had a short business meeting with the Bishop.He cautioned us about the 'prayer meeting" confusion. We clarified our position to him, so it all ended well.
I made shami kebabs with dal/rice etc for lunch and jackfruit stir fry for dinner.
Monday morning was busy. After the usual house work, I changed all the drapes and put new ones on.
Meanwhile Miss Sheeba went on a mongoose hunting trip, which you can see in the photos and inadvertently dabbed make-up on. So in the afternoon. I gave her a bath and did quite a bit of laundry.Lots more to do.
My BIL Prem flies in on the weekend, so I have to get the house ready.
Took a break as 3 visitors arrived. They are involved in the prayer meeting. Had a good talk with them and cleared our differences. One of them Dr H. anointed my mother with oil and prayed for her cataract and gall stones and blood pressure.But our church is divided over the prayer meeting, so we are not sure what we can do. its a stressful situation.
As they were leaving Prem called from Chennai.
He been in the hospital for the past 10 days and has caught a stomach bug and is feeling feverish too. He is feeling all alone. Please pray for him.He says the Lord is giving him grace.
I served the visitors coffee and cookies. As they were leaving I got busy on the phone and later on fed Aunt Sybil (which is another story).Mama cleared the coffee cups but forget to remove the nearly full cookie plate from he living room. Later on while putting things away I noticed an empty cookie plate on the coffee table.I knew our guests had taken one cookie each so there were still plenty left.Mama and I didn 't have any.
It didn 't take Hercule Poirot to tell us who, but Miss Sheeba had polished off the cookes while we were occupied. When I questioned her about it , she looked me straight in the eye and licked her whiskers.
Anyway I gave her a pat on her fat rump and forgave her because she warned me of a stray cow which had entered our garden a short while ago.So I guess she deserved her pinched treat.
Posted by Amrita at Monday, April 07, 2008 13 Fertilize my soul
Labels: Sunday Blessings
Friday, 4 April 2008
Awards Night
I am awarding you dear friends with the Salt and Light Blog Award as your writing and life has encouraged me to live for Christ.
Prayers needed for my BIL Prem. He is dealing with a tough family situation at his mother 's sick bedside. He is going through a lot of stress and is under a lot of pressure.
Posted by Amrita at Friday, April 04, 2008 17 Fertilize my soul
Posted by Amrita at Friday, April 04, 2008 8 Fertilize my soul
Thursday, 3 April 2008
To the Grinding Stone
This morning our knife sharpening
The Word of the Lord and the Spirit of the Lord are sharp they need no grinding stone.
Posted by Amrita at Thursday, April 03, 2008 12 Fertilize my soul