At the commencement of the drilling Pastor Shaileendra read from Exodus the Lord provided water for the children of Israel at Rephidim.The Lord is providing for us in the same way. Glory be to His name.

Everyone present put their hands on the drilling pole and Pastor prayed , so we started off asking the Lord to bless our work and provide for our needs.We praised God that we are able to step out in faith.
Below you can see the hole into which the pipe will go.
I will keep updating you on our progress.Now I have to go to pay my telephone bill and buy groceries, and cook dinner.i want to bake a cake to celebrate our begining. In India when we start something new we have sweets , there is a saying in hindi - sweeten your mouth...begin a new job with a sweet mouth.But I can only do that later on in the evening.
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5 Fertilize my soul:
That is a wonderful idea to sweeten your mouth for a new beginning... I love it.
Hope that all goes your way today - May God Bless you and yours...
Dear Amrita,
you are so brave and engaged. I bow in admiration.
God bless your work and strengthen you day by day.
From Felisol
That photo of hands on the pipe with prayers touched me deeply. Praise God for His faithful provision.
water is so plentiful in canada - we take it for granted ...
may the work be blessed!
India is a hot country and with the ecological damage and global warming our water supply is lessening.We have to work real hard to obtain water.
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