These photos are about 28 years old
when color film was a rarity in India
we three sisters were studying in a Convent
and life was young and fresh

L-R Anju, Amrita, Namrita holding baby Raj our cousin

L-R Amrita, Namrita holding Raj and Anju
(names shortened for security reasons)
The reason for posting these photos is that last weekend
Aunt Ree, Raj 's Mom rang me up and asked
me to find a 'nice girl ' for him.
I must add that I was quite flattered by her confidence in me, it must be the grey in my hair!
In India traditionally arranged marriages are popular, but of course a lot of young people are going in for love marriages and partners of their choice.
Aunt Ree 's husband Uncle R is my Mom 's first cousin. They are very affluent. Raj, now 28 years old has a good job, and since he is the only child, he is a good catch.
Unfortunately they are traditional Christians...upscale by the world 's standards but nowhere in God 's kingdom.
I gave her polite answers. Mainly because we move in born-again circles and suggesting matches these days is pretty dicey because if the marriage develops problems, you can get blamed.
This afternoon Aunt Ree called again and said she found 2 local girls.
Girl A works in a private institution
Girl B works in a Government institution
She wanted Mama and me to help them make a choice.
We could have done Eena...Meena..Mina...Moe
because we don 't know the girls and their families are known to us only by their names.
But she really insisted that Mama give her some input, since she is the eldest cousin sister and has married off her daughters very well.
I prompted some guidelines to Ma
1.Don 't look for a girl from a wealthy background as you already have enough so you don 't need a dowry or more stuff.
2. The girl should be of sound character , God-fearing and good natured. (They know our testimony - we have evangelized them)
3. The girl should be well educated and compatible with your son.
But she wanted to choose between the girls working in the
a) Private place
b) Government concern
We sided with the Government as the salary is higher and there are additional benefits plus a life-long pension.
Now lets see which side the camel lies (English translational of an Indian proverb)
I 'll be sure to post the wedding pictures and more.
Yesterday there was a bomb scare in a posh business building a short distance down our road.
Someone called an air-hostess training centre that they were going to blow up the building in 20 minutes.
There was high panic and the place was evacuated.The bomb disposal squad examined the premises and found nothing, it was a hoax.
But every call has to be taken seriously.