Monday 15 September 2008

Monday Moorings

Went to the court house this morning.The judge did not sit which really irked me because I hate to waste a single penny of the Lord 's money.

I am tutoring Simran in the evenings. She is a smart kid and applies herself to her studies very well.In the past 2 or 3 months she has picked up the English language very well.

She was wearing a nice T-shirt with the legend





So just had to take a photo of her.

I send garden vegetables home with her everyday.After studies Mama and I give her little Bible lessons. Today we taught her the Lord 's Prayer.

My mother has started eating a little bit. Thank you for your prayers.

This is a picture of the semolina halwa (pudding) I made. My friend Sara thought it was salmonela. I nearly died laughing.

Dear friends thank you for prayers and concern for my church and all of us here.We, in the body of Christ are part of each other.We build each other up and encourage one another.

Violence against Christians has spread to the Southern state of Karnataka. On Sunday 14 churches were vandalized and ransacked. A number of ruight wing Hindus have been arressted.

I feel very frustrated at times.My time online is greatly reduced becasue of electricity cuts and low voltage. Also shortage of time.I wish i had the energy I stay up all night and stay online. LOL.

12 Fertilize my soul:

Natalie said...


I have a blog again!

nice pics. I'd like to try some of your salmonella. lol ; )

Amrita said...

Hi Natalie, Great to hear from you after a long time. So happy you are blogging again. I will drop by.

I know I want to serve those perverted terrorists and vandals some special home-made salmonela pudding. LOL

Ash said...

Salmonela ?? LOL :-)

Donetta said...

Hay now...:) The plate looks so pretty. Be safe and do not let them make you like them. As tempting as it may be.:)
loving you

Julia Dutta said...

I absolutely love the rava halwa on the plate....slurp! Yummy!

Anonymous said...

Dear Amrita,
What a heartfelt post - you certainly tugged on my heart in so many ways.
I will be praying for you in all these concerns.
You are a brave soul, kept in the Savior's love.

Felisol said...

Dear Amrita,
How you are being used by the Lord in so many ways.
You were not taken aside by illness, you were placed where you are because so few would be willing to do what you are doing,--with a smile.
I am truly happy about your mother being better.
It's so sad when the ones we love are ill.
Thank you for taking the time and effort praying for me when i needed it. It sure did help and it meant a lot to me there and then to know we were not alone.
You are not alone either. Praying for you, your Mom, your church and your country.
From Felisol

Carol-Ann Allen said...

Too funny about the salmonella pudding! Truth is that every time I have read about semolina on your blog I have done a double take! I've always immediately thought of salmonella!

By the way -- the "Lipgloss" shirt is so cute! I can tell you there are times when no lipgloss equals no peace or love!

Robin said...

you are a dear precious soul and kept uplifted in prayers!
So glad to read your blog updates again-missed you!

Saija said...

your sweet spirit is such an encouragement ...

even when the power is spotty!

nannykim said...

What a sweet girl to tutor! Sorry to hear about the church robbery--It is always hard to take when people have given so generously. I am glad they can't steal the really important things: the fellowship of Christians, the presence of God, the preaching and teaching of the word, the comfort of prayer....May God's blessings be felt this week in your midst.

Kimmie said...

peace, love ....and lipgloss. That is so cute! (on such a cute girl too)

Sorry to hear about the troubles and will pray for your safety. Bomb scares down the road are nothing to take lightly. Praying now.

mama to 6
one homemade and 5 adopted