Simran, the little girl I was tutoring did very well in her tests and has been promoted to grade second.
I visited them on Palm Sunday.I had called earlier and told their mother that I would be coming. As I approached the house I found Simran and her brother Babu waiting for me in front of the corner shop - all smiles because I always buy goodies for them from that place before visiting them.
This is my feeble effort to record a video with my tiny camera.
Simran is singing a praise song which she sang in church on Palm Sunday with her Sunday school group. The family is not saved, but the parents send the kids to Sunday school. And the parents go to church on special occasions only. We 've been sharing the Gospel with them. Praying for a breakthrough in their lives.
Simran was wearing a red T shirt in that video but its too dark to see
Simran with her Mom
Simran was wearing a red T shirt in that video but its too dark to see
Simran with her Mom
Her teacher and Principal were very pleased with
her work. She barely knew the English
alphabet when she came to me last year.
My friend Connie made these for me.
Thank you Connie

21 Fertilize my soul:
Dear Amrita,
I am so happy for you and the important work you are doing with Simran.
She must also be an excellent student to become these grades. I have studied her report card thoroughly.
This is a victory for the two of you.
How good of the parents to send their children to Sunday school.
Most important school in the world.
Hubby Gunnar is also impressed about the variety and thoroughness of the education.
I wish you all a Happy Easter.
From Felisol
Thank you Felisol.That Tandoori chicken which you cooked looks really scrumptions. Yummy
Amrita, I love you so much for all the beautiful work you do, for the faithful witness you bear of Christ's love and power. Congratulations on the success of your little protegee! I know you are an important light in our world of darkness.
that is quite good progress. If there were a report on her soul, or her spirit, I am sure she would be advancing also. You are a light, and the brightness is reflecting in that child's eyes!
I was glad to see a video already. The little boy is certainly an enthusiastic singer. I wish you lots of enjoyment making videos. I found it to be a very enlightening experience figuring out how to photograph people, and still do. I was also glad to read how you are doing with your little student. Sounds like she is learning fast. I lived in the Mexican part of town for 20 years so someone was always struggling to learn english while I tried to pick up spanish. I learned a lot of words but could not put them together! However, my daughter has, so somebody learned another language in the family! I see you have the same adorable graphic with the three children. Connie passed this one on to me. She always sends me horses since she is a horse lover, too. I did not realize how unique my life with horses was until I grew up, the boys lived with horses even more. Gerry
Good Work Teacherji:-) Will reply to your mail soon.
Dear David, I try to follow in the footsteps of godly people like you. Walking in the shadow of the saints. I do hope Simran and her brother get some spiritual food in Sunday school. When she came to us, my Mum and I told her Bible stories and other teachings.You can remember thses children in prayer. How is Pele and your other friend?
Hi Paresh, nice to be called teacherji.I told my Mom, I have another younger brother and she sends her greetings to you.God did not give me biological brothers but many soul brothers.
Hello Gerry, Your videos are far superior than mine. My light is not good enough, but i shall try to figure out how to improve.
Yes Connie is very creative with pictures.
I love teaching specially those with needs. I also taught ESL to students from Korea, Japan, Thailand, Russia, Nepal and Cambodia.It was real fun.
Halloo Amrita...that Report Card is a happy sight! What good grades, thanks to your tutoring.
How nice of you to buy the children candies. I bet that is some of the ONLY candies they get. It's tough to be so poor.
I am noticing something: The students must learn English? I am amazed! I wondered how everyone I meet from India seems to have such good English, but I thought they were learning it at the college level.
I love that doll at the top of your post!
Simran is such a cutie..must be so good to see the 'fruit' of your labor of love..although you may not see the 'eternal' work... how you ar trying new stuff with the camera...I'm hoping to invest in a new one to try stuff too..I've been without a camera for quite a while and really miss 'recording' important events with my children..
do take care..
Love and Happy Easter to you, my friend..
Love, Sita
It matter most that we make a difference in the life of a child. That you have done. It is also in that love that she will take seed. Lets hope for fertile soil, nothing choked out by the thorns around her.
Hi Amrita :)
The doll with the saree is a treat for the eyes.
I am thrilled to see that your ward has fared well in her exams. Teaching little children need special ability and skill which many teachers don't have. You are one of the rare gifted teachers. I am sure Simran will do even better under your tutelage. There is very big smile on Simran's mother's face which speaks volumes of her appreciation and gratefulless for your good work.
I also greatly admire the work you are doing for God in trying to save people by imparting knowledge of Bible and Jesus Christ.
The video is good.
The cards made by Connie is excellent and lovely.
Have a good day,Amrita :)
Hi Amrita,Simran song was bless my soul! Thanks so much for sharing it.....
Beautiful! I hope this family can hear so much that they know the way to God! You are doing a good job here, I am sure.
Sunday school is priceless.
God bless you!
It looks like you are doing a wonderful job with your little Simran.
She and Babu look so cute singing here in your video.
You should be proud that you have helped her so much with school. And Sunday School is wonderful. I teach it occasionally (we rotate, only a few children attend).
Take care, Amrita
Well Amrita, maybe we only wil know in another time just waht impact our service has had upon other families...I can look back on my life when I was not walking as I should, when people like yourself touched my life by giving their time and doing things forme lik you have done here...congratulations
That is so wonderful! My dad was a teacher and to see the grades...well, it brings back memories of being in his classroom and seeing his students. The parents must be thrilled!
And the pictures are so awesome!
hi amrita,
i tired to comment on your new blog and was disappointed i couldn't but i didn't know you had this great video here too.
those children are so precious and how you must love to teach them.
oh there sure are a lot of A's there.
it is so fun, eh amrita when you can get kids treats,
i have no children myself so i always load on the treats to the kids i bring to sunday school.
alas though, i can't drive for another four weeks and they will be going home treatless unless i put a bug into the ear of my friend who will be picking them up..
i wrote you an email terry
i see,you are a good teacher.i am not good at making kids learn.have a wonderful day,dear.
This is such an inspiring post!! You are such a blessing. And I know that The Father is blessing you though these children. And just as importantly God is using these precious children to bless their parents.
Praying with you for this sweet family that they will soon know the joy of knowing Christ Jesus!!
Hi Amrita,
God bless you more for all the efforts you make in the furtherance of His kingdom. Don't worry that the family of the kid you are tutoring will not be saved. You have planted the seeds of salvation in their minds. Water it by your prayers and the Holy Spirit will finish what you have began in their lives. We may not be able to see the full fruition of what we do for the Lord but surely they will not be in vain. God will see to it that they will reach their full fruition in His own magnificent time. You are indeed the most aromatic and most beautiful rose in your own garden. God bless you always for all the things you are doing for Him.
Dear Amrita,
What a positive, inspiring post. The joy on their faces is more than enough for a reward, even though I know you are not expecting any, except the "well Done" words of Jesus!
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