Friday, 18 December 2009

How peace and goodwill was restored on earth/Christmas celebrations in India

A few days ago Mother and I were enjoying a little bit of peace
and goodwill in the afternoon
when we were disturbed by sounds of unlawful
activity at the back of our house.
A window survey revealed 2 brats
(neighbourhood urchins actually)
foraging among our banana and lemon trees.

I was so mad.
I yelled at them threatening to send them
to the electric chair - gallows whatever.
This time it worked and they quickly scrambled back over
the wall. They were the same boys
who had pelted our house with rocks
for 45 minutes on a Sunday afternoon.
With peace restored I could return
to my desired activity

Dancing with an angel in high heels

and snoozing with buddies

We had a little rain in the past 2 days
and the temperature is in the 70s , very
pleasant except for the grey skies.
I am preparing for Namrita and her boys and Christmas too.
Lot of things to do and because of my fibromialgia
I have to take things in bits and pieces
and also supervise the church wall building.
My friend FELISOL writes about the wonderful
Christmas traditions and celebrations of Norway,
she asked me how we celebrate Christmas in India.
Well, since there is so much diversity in my country each region has its own unique customs.
But all over India there are special Christmas church services
Sunday school programs, Christian community
and get togethers with food or Pot Lucks too.
Christmas fairs and festivals and outreach programs.
Many churches have picnics and sports.
There is house to house carol singing too.
Christian schools and institutions have
Christmas concerts, nativity plays and carol singing.
A good way to present the gospel.
The Christmas cake is a sacred item of celebration
specially in the cities.
In my state people throng the local bakeries
to get their cakes baked.
People get 20 to 30 (even more) little rich fruit cakes
to share with family and friends.
Is a kind of British tradition.
Also cookies and un-iced cupcakes.
They take all their raw ingredients to the bakers and his team mixed up everything and bakes it in his large oven.
We used to do that too till my Dad was alive.
But now I bake my cakes and cookies at home.
I must get you photos of a bakery.
Many churches have midnight Christmas
watchnight services.
But a Christmas Day morning service is a must.
After that you can have a family or church lunch.
People visit friends and family impromptu and are served cake and
homemade snacks and treats.
Of course the kids get presents.
Homes and churches are decorated with lights, the Christmas Star
Christmas tree etc.
Many non Christians also join in the celebrations.
So there is a lot you can do.
But the important thing is to keep your eyes on Jesus.
Christmas is not merely a holiday -
it is the birth of Christ with a capital C.
6 For to us a child is born,
to us a son is given,
and the government will be on his shoulders.
And he will be called
Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God,
Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.
7 Of the increase of his government and peace
there will be no end.
He will reign on David's throne
and over his kingdom,
establishing and upholding it
with justice and righteousness
from that time on and forever.
The zeal of the LORD Almighty
will accomplish this.
(Isaiah 9 -Bible)

8 Fertilize my soul:

Rebecca said...

I find that really interesting - the taking of ingredients to a baker and letting him/her do all the work!!
However...for me half of the fun is in the baking of treats..but then, that is our western custom. When I used to do a lot more Christmas Baking than i do now (when I had a young family) I could have used my own private baker. I would love to see a photograph of something like that. The rest of your traditions sound very similar to ours...which of course (as a Christian family) revolve around the celebration of the birth of Christ and services to commemorate this. I find myself not only wanting to look back though -

Felisol said...

Dear Amrita,
Thank you for rich information.
What a great idea; bringing the ingredients to a baker.
I've already put on one kilo this Christmas, so I should be glad we cannot do it this way.
Sounds like the Christians of India have a way of holding up the light of the Christian gospel to your fellow countrymen as well. To be light and salt of your huge part of the world.
What an important task.
From Felisol

Olde Dame Penniwig said...

That is interesting, Amrita, as in Dicken's day the people also brought their foods to a baker and had him do the cooking -- few had the means to cook at home! I would avail myself of that so that no cat hair would fall onto the treats and guests would not have to risk a hairball from eating at my home...

I hope those brats are so scared of your mighty voice and menacing threats that they will stay out of your there a way to put those nice jagged pieces of glass along the top of your wall as well, maybe with some leftover mortar???

I know you will have such fun when Namrita gets there!!!

Nicky Abram said...

Dear Amrita, thanks once again for such a deligthful blog. I do hope those kids do not bother you any longer! I am on holidays now so I will have more time to catch up what you wrote previously! Take it easy. God bless x

David Edward said...

Praise His holy name.

Julie said...

Cute pictures of the little kids, such fat little cheeks, LOL. Loved hearing about your Christmas in India and I would love to see a bakery shot.

Simply Shelley said...

Thanks Amrita for sharing the ways Christmas is celebrated there in is celebrated here in very much the same are so right Jesus is the true reason for the season..and the celebration should be centered around him........blessings

Robin said...

Merry Christmas Amrita & Sheba!
God bless you!!!
Adorable picture of Sheba:)