There is a church in England that has no lights. Many people who visit the church are shocked that the architect left out something as important as overhead lighting.But the architect had a plan. The various families who regularly attend the church are given their own pew, as well as a lamp and a book. When a family comes to church,their lamp is lit. If they are not in church, the pew is dark.
What difference can one darkened pew make? Not much, you might think. But what if several pews are lacking lamps? Then the whole church would be affected. It's obvious.If all are present and in their pews, the church is alive with light. If not, the place becomes dark.
What a beautiful picture of the body of Christ! If any one of us is not using the gifts God has given, there will be darkness; but as we use our gifts, the whole body will be full of light,. This is how intimately we are linked one with another.That's why the Lord made it a command - He has made us a light in order to shine for the sake of others.*[1]
"If one part suffers, every part suffers with it; if one part is honored, every part rejoices with it" (1 Corinthians 12:26).

I was having severe back and knee pain but today I am better. All the stress and tension of the past few days cause d it I think.
Dear friends I have slowed down in my blog visits, but I am catching up slowly.
This morning I got a call from Namrita (my sister who lives in N.E. India). She contacted a mosquito bourne viral fever called chikungunya.
She has excruciating body and joint pain as well as fever. Her husband is also not well. Namrita is a working Mom and does her own housework. Please pray for her recovery and for her husband 's extended family and friends to help them. She can 't even get up from her bed.
Her in-laws are very good and have assisted them when they 've been sick. I have also written on her Facebook wall and a local friend has responded.
Click HERE for information about this horrible disease.
25 Fertilize my soul:
Amrita - Truly you are a teacher ! Amaze Aspire Achieve & Astonishing!
This is a beautiful post & thought.
I also went back & read a post you did on massage in India. We hope you & your Mum will be comforted with a massage while she heals - and you too! If you were here we would be honored.
Am Tweeting today for your Mom's eye surgery & praying all !
Love in our Lord,
His Sonshine & Merry Lynn
Thank you so much Merry Lyn and Mom Sonshine. Your good words and prayers are so comforting.
This is a wonderful word about
the Body, Amrita.
I will be in prayer for your
dear sister's full recovery
and for the well-being of her
entire family.
Thank you so much Sandy and God bless you.
I will also pray...and truly hope that both your sister and you will recover fully from your ordeals...what a friend we have in Jesus!
dear amrita..i am sorry that i didn't know that you were having pain..i have been slow at reading the blogs lately too but when i do i see your footprints here and there and then when i didn't i was wondering if you are ok..glad that you are feeling a little better but sad to hear about your sister.
i looked at the article that you told us to click on and wow what a shame!...tonight at prayer meeting i will be praying for her amrita and i will be praying for mama..
love you very much terry
Dear Amrita,
I stopped by your blog and was blessed. Thank you for the work you are doing in India for our Lord.
God Bless you! I will pray for you and your family.
I'm so sad to hear abt Namrita.Its a horrible disease,I had it in 2006 ans the arthriris still persists.Some days I cant even brush my teeth bcoz of pain.I'll pray for her.How did mama's eye appointment go?did u take any meds for your back pain?
Love the information abt the church.thought-provoking!
What a beautiful teaching and analogy about the body of Christ. You have a great gift for teaching.
I have been praying for you and your Mother as well as your sister and family. I rest in the knowledge that God hears our prayers!
I'm so sorry because of You Sister. I will pray for her life and health and God's care tonight.
The word picture you painted about the church with no lights was excellent. I hope you continue to feel better and continue to cast off that anxiety, stress. It is tough to be far away from someone you love when they are hurting. Hang in there.
Dear Amrtia,
Hoping that the doctor's appointment went well for your mama.
I shall continue my praying for you and your family. Now also Namrita.
I liked the special church being enlightened by its members.
We all have an important place to fill.
Best wishes from Felisol
I will pray for your sister Namrita, for you and your mother as well and for the family of Namrita. Yes, we are all connected by the love of Christ. We serve as the light of the world and salt of the earth as we proclaim the Gospel of salvation of our Lord Jesus Christ. We will overcome all trials and temptations as we are strengthened by the love of our Lord and by the prayers of our brethren around the world. Thanks for your mighty post. God bless you all always.
Hello Amrita,
This is a lovely post full of words of wisdom.Amazing thoughts on light.The story about this church in England is enlightening.
I will pray for your sister's fast recovery.
You know our college motto was-LUCEAT LUX VESTRA which means let your light shine.
I hope everything goes well with your mother's appointment with the doctor.
Best wishes,
your lamp burns bright Amrita and praying for your sister....and mother....
We have a mosquito bourne virus here that has been affecting some called I believe the West Nile or maybe it is the East Nile, but Phoenix has a lot of swimming pools and people are constantly being warned to take care of their pool for fear of this virus spreading. It can be quite severe and can cause death. I hope your sister is getting better. She sounds quite affected. Yes, it is true when some family members and friends are not shining their light it affects all. I hope you and your mother will continue to find a way to overcome whatever is impeding you and causing you problems.
Dear Nakamuras on Saipan, I visited your lovely blog an d I am your follower.
Today as I watched the opening ceremony o f th e Asiad Games in China, I thought of you. You must live close by.
Dear Nina, my mother doesn 't need surgery for a couple of months. We hav e to see him in a month 's time, he has prescribed a month 's medication.
I am taking pain killers for my pain, I am better now. My physical problems weigh me down and cause stres.
Dear Pat, GQ, Mel, Gerry,Sarah and terry, thank you for your encouraging words an d prayers.
Josephji I will remember that Latin motto
Dear Felisol, I found that church illustration so wonderful, i wanted to share it.
I've never heard of the church in England that you wrote about. I love what you said:
This is how intimately we are linked one with another.That's why the Lord made it a command - He has made us a light in order to shine for the sake of others.
Amen!! God bless you, ~Ron
I will light up a lamp, for a better world and love for everyone. Greetings JoAnn/Holland
I am glad that you are better,dear.Glad for mom too.I was a bit anxious.May God grant you the strength to face your problems.Love and hugs,Nina
Your this post is very appriciable post--- you had given message in very interesting and easy words.
Best wishes.
Thank you fo r your prayers Nina.
Hemant ji, you must have had a good Children 's Day celebration with your daughters. Thank you for your visit and comment.
Dear Ron, I had also not hear d of this church. I think is a brilliant idea and practical illustration.
During Christmastime churches here have candle light services, in which there is music an d message and candle are lit at the end of the service and all lights switched off. its a beautiful warm feeling.
Thank you fo r your prayers Nina.
Hemant ji, you must have had a good Children 's Day celebration with your daughters. Thank you for your visit and comment.
Dear Ron, I had also not hear d of this church. I think is a brilliant idea and practical illustration.
During Christmastime churches here have candle light services, in which there is music an d message and candle are lit at the end of the service and all lights switched off. its a beautiful warm feeling.
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