Friday, 8 February 2013

Serve in Radiacal Ways

When we choose to live and serve in radical ways, and to have Jesus more than anything, there are natural consequences to this choice.

Nairay  Ohanian

7 Fertilize my soul:

Nadwrażliwiec said...

Last time I thought, that if You want to be radical and different than all, You haven't to be punk or shocking artist. You just need to be real Christian.

Pia said...

When we serve Jesus the most radical way we know, we can expect radical blessings as well. =)

Simply Shelley said...

I would consider myself a Radical Christian :) Blessings friend

Diane said...

Yes! As with any choice we make, the concept of sowing and reaping is at work in our lives....for good and for bad. Always something to be considered as we make our choices and plans for our lives....Have a most blessed weekend my Sister!

David C Brown said...

"Let us serve God acceptably with reverence and fear", Hebrews 12: 28.

Mrs. Mac said...

Natural AND sometimes .. extreme.


Sincerity said...

Amen! Amen!