Sunday, 3 March 2013

Sunday Blessings- Mission in Life

10 Fertilize my soul:

Nadwrażliwiec said...

Mission is special work for us. We don't need to go to Papua or to Latin America to be missionaries - of course, if God wants from us to go outside our own country, we can and should make that. Every Christian is missionary, if he or she really loves God.

Hold my hand: a social worker's blog said...

God bless you, sweet Amrita. You are a faithful Christian, and your devotion is a vivid example to all of us.


Simply Shelley said...

Blessings to you dear Amrita.

Kate said...

Thank you, Amrita- We all have a calling, and it can be right in front of our noses.

Life and Breath and Everything Else said...

Thinking of you, my friend.

Nikki (Sarah) said...

wishing you a beautiful Thursday.....

María del Mar Hermoso said...

Helllo, Amrita. I'm María del Mar, from Spain. It's a long time since we talked for the last time. Please, I would like you go to http// and read the youtube video I've just included at the left-hand side at the top of the page: it's a about a very young Spanish girl who suffers from Creutzfeld-Jakob desease, the youngest in the world, she was expected to die after 12 months, but she is alive after 24 months of illness. Her family and she appears in the video (Spanish voice, Englis subtitles). Please, Amrita, have a look, talk to your friends about it: they only ask for our prays to get God's help and recover her health.
I thank you really much.
Sorry for my long absence: work and family don't let me enough time to publish in my 3 blogs for the last year.
Thank you again.

Linda Jackson said...

The steps of a righteious one are numbered! love and blessings to you from across the sea! :)

Lyndas recipe box said...

Blessings to you today on Resurrection Sunday(Easter), dear Amrita. I haven't visited for a couple of weeks. Hope you are ok as
you have not posted recently. May God Bless you and keep you and meet your every need.

Amrita said...

My dear friends thank you for coming by and speaking to my. I am back.

Love you all