Sunday 5 October 2008

Sunday Blessings - Kar Seva

My Mum was not well on Thursday and Friday.
On Friday morning the YWAM Team came to spend time in prayer in our church.We invited them to pray for us and they came right over. We had a beautiful time of worship and prayer in different languages - it was manna to our hungry souls.The young people had a special message for us too.
Before leaving they said they wanted to come on Saturday morning to clean the church. In India it is called Kar Seva - labour of love, voluntary service rendered at a religious place or in a needy situation.

On Saturday the team worked so hard cleaning the sanctuary. They started right from the roof.

The doors




Making sure the walls are clean


The brought soap and washed the curtains and washed the floor.
Here they are taking a tea break on our veranda

These young people were such a tremendous blessing to us.
We just praise God for them.
They displayed faith and works.

This is what the body of Christ is for, serving one another.

My mother is better now and eating some more.
I need prayers as I have a painful sty infection in my left eye. Must have caught it in the hospital when I to see the Doctor about Mom.
I am on anti-biotics.
Tomorrow Sonia and her hubby and son are coming for a day.
Looking forward to that.
From Oct. 26th to 29th there will be Christian Conference in a venue very close to my house. This is the UPEGF Annual Conference.
This is an organization we have grown up with , very like the IVF.
Friends from all over the state will be attending.The last conference I attended was about 7 or 8 years ago when I was healthier.This is such a privilege and joy to me to be able to participate after so many years.I long for occasions like this.
Indeed God 's blessing.I will keep you posted.

19 Fertilize my soul:

Donetta said...

Glory! do you see what I see in the photographs.? They are by some called Angles in the midst. It is a glory and a delight to see your needs being met in such a wonderful way.

Kathryn said...

Amrita, what a blessing to have the Body working together in harmony as each part does its work. Thanks for sharing ...

You remain in my prayers!

Bestemor Aud said...

Wonderful to see Christian Love in practice! I think this is what we need more of in our western churches. We need more love and willingness to set Jesus and christian fellowship first!
Hope you had a good conference/ meeting! It will always be, when Jesus is present!
God bless your faithfullness and what you share on your blog!

Felisol said...

Dear Amrita,
I am truely happy for you and your church getting a practice and spiritual vitamin injection.
Wonderful youths, they probably will never know just how much their presence meant.
Praying for the healing of your eye and praising that your Mom is feeling better.
Yours Felisol

Sita said...

Father, reach down and touch both Amrita and her Mom with Your Hand. Let Your healing power flow into their bodies exactly where it is needed. Thwart the schemes of the evil one from harassing them. Let Amrita enjoy this conference to refresh her spirit with something that brings her real joy. I release them to You knowing You care for all the details of their lives.
In Jesus' Name, Amen.

Amrita, Ravi Zacharias has written a new book that is a 'conversation' between Jesus and Krishna and Subramaniam (?). Have you heard about it?
Anyway, what countries were these YWAM students from? A couple looked Korean. Wonderful service for the Lord and the Body. Blessings to you, dear sister.
Love, Sita

Sara said...

i feel like i go to church with you! am praying for your eye, that is so very painful. praying for your mom too.

Louise said...

What a blessing these dear saints are. Thank you for sharing the photos with us.

I ask our Father in the name of Jesus, to completely heal the sty. For His glory and your good may this be done quickly. Amen.

Roo said...

what beautiful fotos! God bless you amrita! xo thinking about you and your mother...

Natalie said...

I hope you get to go!

i will pray.

that is so awesome that the group from ywam came!

what beautiful pics of their service of love. i love the worship and prayer one.

Janet Jeyapaul said...

What a powerful ministry for you-shepherding the young. May God richly bless you. Praying for your eye infection that it might be cured and for your mom. Your sister in Christ Janet

Jo's-D-Eyes said...

Heeh Amrita,
I hope it will be a great time with Donia,good weekwishes..

Bye JoAnn

Sheryl said...

Amrita - How great to see the body of Christ working together. I especially love to see the young people giving of themselves.

Praying you feel better soon.

the mother of this lot said...

What a lovely post Amrita - so good to see everyone working together! Hope you feel better soon!

Mrs. Mac said...

I so enjoyed stopping by your part of the world. To see and read about the Good News spreading across many lands and oceans is a testimony to God's love for every person in every nation.

I hope and pray that your eye is on the mend. Thanking God for the medicine and care from you doctor. Praying for your mother too.

The photos in your blog are of the most inspiring and colorful in nature. Very beautiful to see so many young people turning away from false religions and even their families for the sake of Jesus.

Hugs from the North Woods.

Julia Dutta said...

Hi Amrita,
How are you and Mummy? I somehow always "see" you as healthy and happy. Perhaps its how you come across on the blog. In fact, the brightness is infectious. So when I read, ...."when I was healthier...." I thought, wonder what she suffers from?

Nice to see all those lovely young kids on this post. Lots of them from my dear northeast? Or just paharis? Both are so dear to my heart.


Brit. (lille meg) said...

Very good! All in work.The church got cleaned, and I am sure you all were satisfied.
You have something in common, and that is good.
We are a few chrisians in the place I lived before, and there we got together and cleaned the prayerhouse,,,,,,,It was not this year. We have done it before too.
When we are ready, we have a meal together.
I wish you good luck! Exiting with people from different countries.
Have a blessed day!

Mel Avila Alarilla said...

It is heartwarming to see those young ones work hard to serve the Lord in whatever capacity they could. They do it as a labor of love. God bless them more for that. Yes, I will pray for you and your mother Amrita and I will pray for your church too. I hope you will be able to attend that Christian conference near your house for the times of refreshing for your soul. Thank you so much for sharing with us the wonderful things that God is doing in your life. God bless you and your loved ones always my friend.

Anonymous said...

What a gift from these young people!
And your post is a gift,too. Thanks for sharing with us.

JO said...

Looks like a joy to work together on such an awesome project... enjoy! God Bless you all.