Monday, 30 November 2009
Good Friday
Posted by Amrita at Monday, November 30, 2009 11 Fertilize my soul
Labels: Family/Photos
Friday, 27 November 2009

Posted by Amrita at Friday, November 27, 2009 11 Fertilize my soul
Labels: Family/Photos
Tuesday, 24 November 2009
Just Thinking
"I always wanted a portrait of myself
with a giant turkey and corn on the cob"
so thinks Thumbelina The mystery of the hatching turkey.
And what am I thinking?
Well, work on the church wall is starting tomorrow
and we are desperately looking to God for the labour charges
Rs 30,000 ($650)
I want to admit that I am worried and anxious.
But God is testing our faith.
He has never let us down
This is His property He will provide.
Please pray that we may get help from our Father 's hand.Last week 's Friday Fellowship meeting was
held in the house of 2 retired sisters.
The younger one was celebrating her 66th birthday
and we were invited for dinner.They served us in these beautiful vintage dinner plates
which were gifted to their Professor father
who most probably visited the US
50 or 60 years ago. I wonder if this building still exists today
as part of the New York University.Yesterday I had a bit of an adventure.
I had to go to a Government office to meet a clerk. He made me wait for an hour before he showed up. But my work was done. After that I went to my Mom 's bank, the Allahabad Bank, which I want to declare on the Internet is the worst bank I have ever dealt with. If my mother 's pension was not being remitted in this concern we would have had nothing to do with it. The bank itself is fine, but the people working there are ogres.
Only once in a blue moon will you find someone who speaks to you in a civilized manner. This time I was very fortunate and a man went the second mile and gave me the information I wanted. Praise God.
After that that I went grocery shopping . All this time my transport bill was mounting up and being a very frugal person I did not like it. I walked as much as I could but with a heavy load of groceries I could not walk all the way home
Now there are these plainman share taxis called Vikrams, which I have told you about before. I have never travelled by them, because people of my social level don 't use them (its a cultural thing - no snobbing intended). But they are much cheaper than rickshaws. As I was walking down the road one passed by and I gathered up my courage and asked the conductor if he was going on my route. He said ;yes and the fare was 1/5th of what the rickshaw would charge me. Seeing nicely dressed teenage girls and ladies seated in it I also jumped in and enjoyed the cheap ride. One of the ladies was very impressed and encouraged me to use these taxis instead of the expensive rickshaws.
I can do that once in a while, in the cool season. This was my mini adventure.
I have posted very short videos of our trip to the kilns. You can see those yellow and black taxis passing us. We are in my Pastor 's car. Even if you find the videos boring enjoy the nice jazz music.
And don 't forget to pray for our church wall project.
Posted by Amrita at Tuesday, November 24, 2009 14 Fertilize my soul
Labels: Photo / Video Diary
Saturday, 21 November 2009
The Blooming of Roses

I think they used a time lapse camera.
The handiwork of God, who gives beauty in the place of ashes,as the Bible says. He is the God of all comfort.Just as the buds unfold imperceptibly in the stillness of time,here captured by an electronic eye, God 's love and comfort can unfold in our hearts if we let it.
Here are roses from our garden taken last year.Right now our bushes have been pruned, they will bloom after a few days.
When the Rose is Faded by Walter de la Mare
When the rose is faded, Memory may still dwell on Her beauty shadowed, And the sweet smell gone. That vanishing loveliness, That burdening breath, No bond of life hath then, Nor grief of death. 'Tis the immortal thought Whose passion still Makes the changing The unchangeable.
Oh, thus thy beauty, Loveliest on earth to me, Dark with no sorrow, shines And burns, with thee.
Posted by Amrita at Saturday, November 21, 2009 16 Fertilize my soul
Labels: Photos, Soul Searching
Thursday, 19 November 2009
Lean Cuisine

One egg costs Rs 4 and in Kanpur ( another
city its Rs 6)
Prices are likely to go up.
My Indian FB friend says its madness.

has double or even tripled that 's
why the eggs cost more.
Sugar is Rs 40 per kilo.
It seems this Christmas we 'll have to make
egg less/sugarless cake.
I make an egg less chocolate cake
which is very nice.
I use vinegar in it, but
of course sugar is needed.
My newspaper jokingly suggests
that its a good time to go on a diet.

Already our bricks , cement ,
sand and gravel cost Rupees 60.000 ($1,300)
We have used up most of our church funds
that we saved up in the past several months.
The prices of building materials
is zooming upwards daily.
We are in need of another
Rs 30,000 ($650) for labour and other expenses.
This is our major concern.
We have stepped forth in faith
believing God will provide.
Please uphold our financial needs in your prayers.
Any help will be greatly appreciated,
however small.
Little becomes much when God is in it.
We are standing or walking, trusting
hoping in the promises of God.
The Lord is faithful in His promises.
Blessed are all who wait for Him
to help them.
Isaiah 30;18
Posted by Amrita at Thursday, November 19, 2009 13 Fertilize my soul
Labels: Prayer request, The World around me
Tuesday, 17 November 2009
Photo Day
but it couldn 't enter city limits because of traffic restrictions..
The tractor drivers have to grease the palms of (or bribe)
traffics cops and check points to get in.
for the payment. Quite a large amount.
I asked him to hold the bag for safety reasons.
Purse snatching can happen.
They accept cash payment only...
to avoid income tax , I suppose.
The kiln owner has a fleet of 25 trucks and tractors
which are used to transport bricks all over the district.
He must be a very affluent man, but if you meet them
you will never know.
They keep a very low profile.
Just like ordinary working men.
The older conservative and traditional businessmen live a very subdued
life, they don 't flaunt their wealth.
But the trend is changing with the younger generation.
They are living it up as a part
of the swish set.

My blogfriends
very kindly sent me packets of seeds to plant in my garden.
There are Indian okra or ladyfinger plant growing in between.

When we call her she doesn 't want to
Posted by Amrita at Tuesday, November 17, 2009 13 Fertilize my soul
Labels: Photos
Sunday, 15 November 2009
I want to laugh
This dog is an artist
Posted by Amrita at Sunday, November 15, 2009 15 Fertilize my soul
Labels: Animal Planet, Video
Saturday, 14 November 2009
Happy Children 's Day
About Jawahar Lal Nehru
On November14, 1889, a son was born to an eminent lawyer, Motilal Nehru and his wife Swaroop Rani at Allahabad. They named him Jawaharlal. He was a brilliant, kindhearted child who was greatly loved by all.

His father wanted to give him the best education and hence sent him to England for his M.A. from Cambridge. The British ruled India at that time. When he returned to India, young Jawaharlal realized that he wanted to help the poor and the downtrodden. He took part in the Freedom Struggle of India and became a follower of Mahatma Gandhi who had just returned from South Africa at that time. When India gained its independence, he became the first Prime Minister of free India.
He was a perfect blend of eastern philosophical values and western scientific thinking and encouraged technological progress. But he was also a man of letters and a great poet and wrote some famous works like, ‘Glimpses of World History’ and ‘Discovery of India’. His letters to his daughter, Indira, were also compiled into a book and reflects his philosophical outlook, his compassion and above all, his tender heart.
The Birth of Chacha Nehru

Chacha Nehru as the children fondly referred to him, was fond of both children and roses. In fact he often compared the two, saying that children were like the buds in a garden. They should be carefully and lovingly nurtured, as they were the future of the nation and the citizens of tomorrow. He felt that children are the real strength of a country and the very foundation of society. He was the ‘beloved’ of all the children who gave him the endearing name of ‘Chacha Nehru’.

As a tribute to this great man and his love for the children, his birthday is celebrated all over India as ‘CHILDREN’S DAY’. Most schools have cultural programmes for the day, with the students managing it all. All over the country, various cultural, social, and even corporate, institutions conduct competitions for children. Children's Day is a day for children to engage in fun and frolic. Schools celebrate this day by organizing cultural programmes. Teachers of the school perform songs and dances for their students.

Posted by Amrita at Saturday, November 14, 2009 13 Fertilize my soul
Labels: Celebrating India