On Wednesday 17th I went to a small
get together in my aunt 's place
held in honor of Bina and John,
old friends and church members
now settled in the US.
Bina was a science teacher in the High School my mom taught in.
She was instrumental in introducing us
to a Bible study and discipleship group
and student ministry mission.
John an ex OMer married Bina while a seminary student.
My elder sister Anjali was one of their bridesmaids.
On his left is Arun who was saved in our church.
Rev Joseph and his wife)
Ruth is a special needs girl (actually a woman in her 30s)
she has the mind of an innocent sweet child.
She loves children and goes everyday
to help out in a pre-nursery school.
with her parents
my cousin Manju and her hubby Daniel.
There were many more people at the get together
unfortunately the photos did not show up.
They teach Hindi to foreigners from all
over the world.
Deepak is a thinker, author
and a very good preacher.
Both Daniel and Deepak have
a wonderful sense of humor.
Bina and John came to visit us on Thursday.
At the meeting they shared how the Lord healed
their marriage problems, lives
and bodies.
They don 't have health insurance in the US
and John had to go through major surgeries
which was a terrible strain on them.
Last year Bina was found with breast cancer,
she flew down to India with her (only) grown up
son and had it done.
This year' s examination showed that she is cancer free.
We rejoice with them.
This couple has been through
a lot of heartache and trouble
but today they can truly
say the Lord
put them back together.
8 Fertilize my soul:
I understand the health insurance issues here in the USA. Many people have difficulties with that, and when the kids were little, the major determinant of where I would work depended on where I could get good health insurance. Shane is having the same experiences now. In this regard, the US is not a first-world country.
Take care!
What a great and interesting family you have. You should be proud of them.
Your mother is looking younger and healthier than in a long time. So good to see sitting proud and upright with her relatives.
From Felisol.
Hi Beth and Felisol,
I bought a book by Mary Poplin called Finding Calcutta. Its how this lady was touched by the life and work of Mother Teresa with whom she worked for 2 or 3 months in Calcutta. I am sure both of you will be blessed by this book as you have such a heart of compassion and service.
I have just skimmed through the book, its absolutely compelling
I always enjoy seeing your friends and relatives! I like how you gather together. I'm such a hermit but I enjoy it vicariously!
Kisses to Sheeba and a fond hello to your mom!
Hi Amrita,
I liked this post a lot. It talks of human suffering and struggle and yet,in the midst of it all, the Lord saves us all.
Something similar is happening to me as well. You might have noticed that I am blogging very little these days - there's not much to say Amrita.
A few months ago, I had a terrible experience with a friend I love and respect a lot. I think the devil had taken hold of my nerves. The sense of negativity in me had reached its peak. But shortly, I was lead to few chapters in a book I had been reading for a long time, it is Patanjali's Yoga Sutra. Indeed, I was lead to few chapters which I am re-writing for my own sake. And believe it or not, just the writing of it has cleared my mind to the extent that I feel calm and collected, unlike the emerging devilish past personality.
One never knows but it is forever sure that when our struggles get too hard, He does come and draw our attention to more positive things.
I don't feel the need as of now to exercise my mind in any other direction....
Dear Julia, thank you for sharing your struggles . I have my daily battle with the world, the flesh and the devil.
If you have a Bible read the book of Job in the Old Testament , a man who suffered intensely. And from the New Testament read the 7th chapter of St Pual 's letter to the Romans. Here you will find the struggles of the human nature. You can get these on the Internet too.
May the Lord Jesus help you find peace and comfort.Are you in Bhopal these days?
Thank you dear Amrita for your kind guidance....I will read them for sure. I am still in Bhopal but will be returning to Delhi mid-this year.
thank you for all the pictures, you have quite a large and blessed family -
God is good to us
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