Tuesday, 28 February 2012

Happy Children

(Children at a wedding  held  at my  church  in  Dec  2011)

In December I asked  God  to  answer  a  prayer  within  4  months and  praise  God I  got  the answer  before  that. Sometimes  I  set  a time period for  my  Heavenly  Father and  I  think  my  Heaven  Papa likes  that.

And  all  things whatsoever ye shall  ask in prayer believing, ye shall receive.  Matthew 21:22

And  it  shall  come to  pass,that before  they call, I will  answer;and while they  are yet speaking I will  hear. Isaiah 65;24

2 Fertilize my soul:

Nadwrażliwiec said...

I see that these children had really good time.
I also experienced last time the power of prayer.

Terra said...

How good God is to give you the answer your heart desired, and early, too.