get together and put money in a kitty
to have a lavish treat in a restaurant
which is caled a kitty party.
Women also host them in their homes , and provide the food.
Sometimes they play card games for money.
Social butterflies try to out do each other
in their hospitality , decor and clothes.
Its an occasion to show off
and show case your wealth.
A leisure activity of the rich!

when I step out in the sun.

PMS 20 days a month (it seems) LOL
they don 't show them anymore.
have shot up so much
that one can only pray
and ask God for mercy while buying them. LOL
How are you doing friends?
We 've had dust and thunderstorms in our state.
About 20 people have lost their lives
in the storms.
We get temporary relief after the
storm but it gets hot
and humid afterwards.
Humidity sets off my joint pain.
Its nice to have Abner and Sonia for company.
Although Abner has a discipline
problem which is not pleasant
to deal with.
"What the young one
begs for, the grown up
throws away".-
Russian Proverb
25 Fertilize my soul:
Hi there. Enjoyed your cartoons. :) The cat one is especially appropriate as our cats like to sleep on whatever the humans leave sitting around. I've never seen them sleep in the cat box, however.
I loved the Hillbillies show, too, but never loved it when i was called one! (I lived my young years in that part of the country & talked with a Southern accent.)
Hope you have a lovely day. I can't imagine how hot it is there.
Great cartoons. I loved the Hillbillies too. Walmart has all all these oldies on DVD.
Humid here today too. Cold front moving in today will produce sever thunderstorms though, but for the most part, Toronto has been blessed with fabulous weather for this year. Amazing.
Pray you find relief.
Love, Sita
You have such funny cartoons in this post. Weather around the world is getting worse and worse. After the stifling heat in your country where temperature soars to the 40s, you now have thunderstorms that already took the lives of many. We are now reaping the bad seeds that we have sown in this planet. Now we have to suffer the consequences of our foolish and greedy acts. This will probably go on until the rapture of the church of Christ. Thanks for the funny post. God bless you always.
Amrita, your comments on your post nearly make my side split - "A know a woman who suffers from
PMS 20 days a month (it seems) LOL" - You bet LOL!Ha! ha! Ha!
Hi Kathryn, I thought of you and your cute kitties when I saw that picture. The snow on your mountains looks so beautiful.
Yes folks the Hillbilloes were very popular in India. Of course we have our own versions. LOL.
Honestly Julia, when I notice this lady is kind of off I switch off the ringtone and get into my silent or vibrating mode LOL.
Hi folks today 's temperature is slightly lower so the cooler is working better.
When I go out in the daytime I carry a bottle of chilled water with me to guzzle down when feeling hot- but the water warms up fast.
This cartoon with PMS is the best :D And very real :D
Yes, I live in Krakow - and I study at this the oldest university :) It's called Jagiellonian University.
And that's right, in the Old Town there is one Indian restaurant :)
I sometimes make in my home something like Indian food (or Oriental) - fried chicken with apple, bananas, onion and tomatoes with curry and rice. It's yummy :)
And You are right - we should thank our God for fruits and vegetables. In this year many Polish farmers have problems with seeds because of big flood in some regions. In Krakow there is after flood and we are safe now, but in some villages water is still standing.
I greet You very cordially :)
Amrita, I have been thinking about you lots lately -- we have similar miserable weather but I think yours is winning the "worse" race due to the thunderstorms. We have high humidity lately, very odd, but it just won't go ahead and rain.
Sorry to hear of all the terrible things in India lately, the attacks and such by the maniacs. And the accidents that have taken so many lives.
But your post banishes my somber mood and makes me laugh out loud.
As to Abner, give him your best YOU BETTER STOP THAT schoolteacher look, the one that freezes the blood in their little veins!!!
Hi, Armita! Thank you for your comments! :)
I enjoyed reading the cartoon pics! Very cute! Love that!
I am so sorry to hear about the storms you are having. I feel for the families of those who lost their lives.
I understand a bit about humidity and heat, being from the southern US, but I noticed the temp where you are is 105 right now, and that is hot!!! I do not like heat because it can make me sick.
You take care of yourself! You're a very special person, and I appreciate you!
Much love,
I have never experienced a dust storm - My mother tells of the dust storms in her home town when she was little girl. The sky turned black and the dust gets every where, even in the house. It all sounds horribe. Hang in there.
Funny cartoons! Cute!
It's a long time since I visited you
here. But I haven't visited my other friends so much, either. It is a shame.
I hope you are doing well.
Have a nice week!:-)
i enjoyed all pictures/cartoons. please post more..I'll regularly visit this site. :)
Chiropractic Grand Junction
Dear Amrita,
Hope you are feeling better.
Too much ot too little, both are wrong. we had +5 C and wind this evening! Froze my fingers off while shooting sundown pix.
That PMS poster might have been appropriate here 10 years ago.
Now I can laugh!
Dear Andream. GrayQuill, Brit ,
Grand Junction Chiropratic and Felisol, thank you for your visit and comment.
GQ I tried opening your page but since the past few days I just can 't open it, the same trouble I am having with John C owart 's blog.
The dust storms are are a nuisance as the whole house is coated with dust and it takes a lot of time and energy to clean up in the aftermath of such a storm. And if you have a mango tree in your vicinity you can gather up the fallen fruit and make chutneys and pickle with the green mangoes.
Hi Zimb,
Thanks for your detailed reply. Good to read about places so far away and unique in their own way. The Internet has brought us closer and we are like neighbours now.
You always have the cutest cartoons! Made me laugh, thanks for sharing them!
Around here, when women get together for food and a party, the men call it "a hen party"-because of all the 'clucking' that goes on! funny.
Hi Amrita,
I am your newest follower. These cartoons are fun and your words are wise. Thanks for you recent comments on my blog.
Hello Terra, I am following your blog too. You are such an eloquent writer.
Hi Robin, thanks for your visit.
Hi Amrite, I'm a regular at Holly's Bannerhaus blog and I thought I'd stop by to say HI! I always enjoy your comments and your kind words for your mom. I like to here about your far away land. I live in centrail Illinois USA. I'll stop by again. Smile, Sally p.s. I like the Hillbillies too!
Hi Amrtia,
I hope you have had a great week, in the Lord, and through the hot heat!
I got to thinking the other day, of an idea, but I am not sure if it will 1. work out or 2. even be a good idea! LOL. However, I thought I'd run it passed you to see what you think and to see if you actually know any information about it.
I really have a huge spot in my heart for 'human trafficking' victims. All over the world this is a huge problem, but I do know that in some parts of India there are a lot of women forced into the red light district. So, I was wondering, if you happen to know of an organization, or a group, or a center or something, that helps women get out of forced slavery- and if the women are now working by making bags or other clothing- that we could exchange the goods, and I can raffle them off for money, and the proceeds to go straight to the women.
I know you are also probably a busy woman, but I didn't know if there was something of this sort I could help out with....
Or if you know any good organizations that help with this?
Let me know your thoughts.
Thanks for listening..
God Bless!~
Hi Sally, welcome to my blog . I will come over and visit your blog too. Its great to meet good people like you from all over the world. God bless you.
Dear Abigail, God be praised for putting this noble plan into your heart. There are many organizations (Christian ones ) working for the emancipation and rehabilitation of wo,em working in the red light areas . The best one is OM (Operation Mobilization) and another one in Mumbai. I shall try to get more info about this and let you know.
Grace to you.
Thanks for the funnies today! The cost of everything is going up .. including food, gas, electricity .. and pay is down. Hoping your aching joints feel better soon. Try to eliminate sweets .. sugar tends to cause joint inflammation. Hugs from far away.
are u okay?pls do write.
wow nice blog…
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