Wednesday, 12 May 2010

A Riot of colors

Earlier this year when spring clothed
February with a mantle of many hues,
the sun shone benignly upon us.
I visited the annual Horticulture Show
after a gap of several years.
We used to always go as a family and with no one around I had
stopped going.
Garden enthusiasts, horticulturists and plant
nursery owners from all over Allahabad participate.
They enter their flowers , vegetables and fruit for completion.
There is a baby and dog show
and there are competition for
cookery, flower arrangement and decorative designs.
My sister Anju won a prize for
flower arrangement when she was in school.

There are many stalls in the show
which takes place in the Alfred Park.

Here is one selling garden equipment, fertilizer,
seeds plants etc.

Of course there is an area for food stalls.

I bought several summer vegetable seeds too.
All of then sprouted and
producing okra, beans and gourd.

This little fellow is selling paper windmills

There were tables with herbal medicines, pickle
and preserves.
I bought some herb powder and a preserve.
This lad made a monkey
face at the camera. He was helping
his mom.

Senior citizens relaxing on a bench
"Happy is he whose heart
Hath found the art
To turn is double pains to double praise"
- George Herbert

Another view of the displays.

I love this terra cotta pieces.
There were garden ornaments and crockery.

Beautifully crafted lantern

Sail away with balloons

The lights coming on

The glory of God 's
creation seen in a microcosm

A lovely design made with flower petals.
They are quite popular in India on festive occasions.

Here is a peacock made with colored chalk powder
and sawdust.

Another kid selling paper toys.
The show was a means of earning a little cash
for his family.

I took pictures of flowers and garden produce
entered in competitions by

Look at the giant marigold

These are the best of the gardens.

Here are the fruits.Guavas I think.

I love these Indian gooseberries.
On the left is the amla fruit.
A rich source of Vitamin C.

These are wing beans.
We also grew them from
seeds given to us by our
Australian missionary friends.
Dr Dennis M was an agriculturist.

The famous Allahabadi red guava.

Bitter gourd (karela)
and a vegetable called suran

We can' t do without potatoes.

and cauliflower

Home grown tomatoes


Prize beet

Cabbage and lettuce

A huge bottle gourd.
I like to make a nice dish with it.
You can cook it with lentils, meat or plain.
I make balls with it mixed with chickpea flour.

Jonpuri radish.
You can have have them raw in a sald,
make paranthas with them or sir fry them.

People put their cookies for the bakery competition.

This couple was guarding the edible entries.
They wanted me to take their photo.

Namkeens or savory snacks.
Little iced tea cakes.
This fella was playing hide and seek
among the flower pots.
The park klit up with
a garland of lights.

Came away reflecting on the following scriptures -
(Jesus said) "And why are you anxious about clothing?
Observe how the lillies of the field grow;they do not toil neither do they spin, yet I say to you
even Solomon in all his glory
did not clothe himself like one of these.
But if God arrays
the grass of the field
which is alive today and is tomorrow
thrown into the furnace,
will He not much more
do so for you
O men of little faith."
Matthew 6;28-30

20 Fertilize my soul:

Donetta said...

So good to see your post up. MILove told of your utility problems. So funny your and I both did posts on flowers. What a wonderful event!
So beautiful. I am so happy you were able to get out and have some fun.

Nadwrażliwiec said...

I wasn't there only one day and I see new beautiful post again :)
I like flowers. This brown dishes look like in ancient Greece... I didn't know that in India there are pansies too. Last time I live in city again, but now my city is so colourful and full of flowers like in Your photos... Does your town is still so hot, as I read last time?

Kathryn said...

Wow. Beautiful pics. So glad you're back online. :)

Sita said...

Need u to come over and plant a garden for us--Mike and I are dreadful at that--my Hindu friend became a Christian after studying the marvellous detail on a flower---said its intricate beauty had to be created by a personal God...great pics, Amrita..thank u!

Holly, the Old Western Gal said...

What an incredible display! I am so glad you went!

Some of the vegetables are quite unfamiliar to me. But most I recognize. The winning flowers are GIANTS among their smaller kindred.

monsoon dreams said...

i miss the flowershows.thanks for letting me see one without a ticket and the rush :-)
how wonderfully God has created this world!

Julia Dutta said...

What a pictorial feast! Absolutey loved all the pictures as well as the handicraft. The Lord is absolutely grorious as seen behind your camera!

John Cowart said...

Well, Amrita, you've been gone off line for a long time but this post certainly makes up for lost time!

I think the peacock photo is my favorite.

Glad you're back.


Terry said...

dear amrita..a riot of colours, a riot of pretty flowers and a riot of good things to eat!
i think that this would of made a real good ruby tuesday post!
amrita..this is my most favourite of your profile pictures that you have had in here.
you are a real pretty girl...and that is why i call you princess!
amrita, thanks for your visits to my blog and please do try out your phone camera! will not be disappointed!
love terry

Mel Avila Alarilla said...

Wow, wow, wow, this is indeed a photo diary, lol. You said it all in your photos Amrita. I like the bouquet of flowers. Their colors simply explode in vibrant hues. There are so many holidays in your part of India and you always capture them in your camera. Now we know a little bit of your part of India each time you make your post. It's like traveling in your part of India. Thanks for the informative post. God bless you all always.

Glennis said...

The flowers are so lovely and I always enjoy stalls and the good the people have made for sale, but its the big peacock liked the best, its drawn so well and colourfully.

Simply Shelley said...

What a wonderful show of so many good things...everything is so lovely...beautiful flowers and delicious looking vegetables. I also like the children selling the paper toys....blessings dear Amrita.

Gerry said...

I liked the flower photos best, but these are very nice photos that you take, Amrita, and really give a person a good look at India. I always appreciate that.

Robin said...

I love all the photos of the market and foods you have there. Now I will daydream about coming to visit you Amrita:)
Bless you.

Mrs. Mac said...

What an array of good looking people, flowers, food, and such colorful scenery! I enjoyed my little visit:)

Amrita said...

I really appreciate your resposes my friends.
Zimb, India has mountains, deserts, seashores, tropical forests etc. We have extreme temperatures and varied terrain that is why there is a rich variety of vegetation too. My country has so much un-discovered wealth. We have tulipd growing in Kashmir and rare cucti in the desert. We also have rain forests.

Amrita said...

Hi Julia hope you are settling in well in Delhi.
I saw a movie with Konkona Sen in it and thought of you.
and also on Tagore 's birhday.

Nicky Abram said...

Dear Amrita, thank you so much for this post, it is so relaxing to read, and those beautiful photos bring peace to my heart. Wonderful flowers and products! I needed to read again these comforting words of Jesus.
Have blessed week-end. x Nicky

Charlotte said...

bloomlicious....luv the boy selling paper flowers!

Amrita said...

Hi Charlotte, thank you for your visit and comment.