(The electricity was kind to us.)
Made them after ages
and they turned out good.

'The Color Purple '
I missed parts of it,
so I have a question about it.
Why is it called '' The Color Purple '
I know it is based on a novel by that name.
Does the title have a special significance?

Watch this movie trailer. It is based on a true story. This DVD is not available in India, but I am sure it will be a blessing for all those who can watch it.
A heartfelt tale of inspiration, hope and redemption, Letters to God is the story of what happens when one boy’s walk of faith crosses paths with one man’s search for meaning—the resulting transformational journey touches the lives of everyone around them.
Please pray for an important church matter
which has come up.
A very profitable proposal has
been presented to us
which will benefit the church
financially and spiritually.
There has been resistance from 2 leaders,
(which I was sort of expecting)
Do pray that our differences maybe resolved
and everyone comes to an amicable consensus,
before we are forced to take firmer action.
I want to do everything peacefully.
13 Fertilize my soul:
Hey Amrita, prayed for you.
I found this explanation on wikipedia:
The Color Purple
The title of the book is a very important symbol. Celie goes through life having a hard time noticing the beautiful aspects and appreciating them. She had a difficult life and was abused as an adolescent. The color purple is continually equated with suffering and pain. Sofia's swollen, beaten face is described as the color of "eggplant". Purple is the color of Celie's private parts: the site of her sexual violation.[4] However, later Shug points out to her that you have to enjoy life. When they were in a field of purple flowers, Shug tells Celie to look at the flowers and embrace their beauty. "You must look at all the good and acknowledge them because God placed them all on earth". After learning this, Celie has a better respect for life and everything it has to offer.
The cookies look very good.
I'm not sure how they came up with The Color Purple title??? Maybe you can Google it and get some info?
I'll pray that your church leadership will come to a decision that will bring glory to God.
The movie "Letters to God" looks very good. It is due to be released here Aug 31 on DVD. If it's not going to be released in India, let me know your address and I will mail it!
Blessings :)
Dear Sita thank you for the beautiful you wrote for me on you r blog.
And thank you for this enlightening explanation. Really satisfied me. I just wondering why its called so.
Thank you Ron. I enjoy your inter active blog.
Dearest Aphra thank you for your gesture of kindness. I hav e sent you my address.
Make yourself a cup of tea and rest with some cookies.
Thinking of you fondly
I want to reach in the computer and take those cookies! They look so great!
The Color Purple is such a great movie!!
Will say a prayer!
Love n' Hugs
Thank You Amrita for this video. I'm not sure, if this is available in Poland (last time I was in one shop with DVD's and I saw only films about sins or about that Christianity isn't truth - very small number ambitous films or comedies).
I will pray for Your church. God bless You.
Dear Amrita,
In churches as elsewhere in the world, there will always be a conflict when it comes to power and money issues.
If you are going to introduce major changes, someone will always be against it.
My bestadvice; pray "Thy will be done."
God sees longer than us and also understands the consequences of our choices.
If his will is done, that will be the best for the church
I'll pray for that.
Yours Felisol
I thank you all for your kind words and prayers. God has given me peace about the situation.
Oh I wish I could have everyone over for coffee and cookies.
Oh, I heard something different about the title and its meaning. PURPLE is the ONLY COLOR that even the blind can see. It is INTRINSIC to the human mind. Without any light source, the color may still be seen, IN THE MIND.
I hope those church leaders behave, Amrita!!! Some people get too picky and just gum up the works while others are trying to move forwards.
I think that Sita is right about why the film was called the Color Purple. Every once in a while I get a foreign movie if it is popular enough to make it to the Red Box, ha. Slum Dog Millionaire was very popular in the US and is posted in the Red Box. I get quite a few English films there and some from Spain with Penelope Cruz! You can even rent Avatar from the Red Box for $1. By the way speaking of the well educated numbers from India my Doctor whose name is Sayegh (Sage) is from India and I like him very much. When I see people from India in his office in their Saris I think of you, but they are not as colorful as the ones I see in your photos!
It's great that you were able to bake oatmeal cookies again. And when you say they are good, they must be really good. Thanks for the post. God bless you all always.
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