Please pray for me . I am facing a very spiritually oppressive and difficult situation. The Lord has comforted me. I need Him more and more.

The following devotional from Joni Earckson Tada blessed my heart.

But those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.--Isaiah 40:31
Eagles are solitary birds. They never fly in flocks. At times God asks us to forego human companionship to experience divine fellowship so that later, we have the strength to give to others. "God seeks eagle-men," writes Mrs. Charles Cowman in Streams in the Desert. "No man ever comes into a realization of the best things of God,who does not, upon the God ward side of his life, learn to walk alone with God."
Scripture is replete with such men: Abraham living in a tent; Moses herding sheep;Paul alone with God in Arabia. God then often takes those whom He has sheltered in solitude and thrusts them out to minister to others.
Author Caryll Houselander writes of these eagle-souls:
There are those who must live, as it were, in other men's hands; whose success,even if it be of a spiritual order, must be paid for in a suffering of poverty far more terrible than material poverty, a poverty of not having themselves, not having anything of their own - not time, or solitude, or their thoughts, or even their senses: their hearing filled always with other men's troubles, their eyes with the face of other people's sorrows...
Eagles are solitary birds. They never fly in flocks. At times God asks us to forego human companionship to experience divine fellowship so that later, we have the strength to give to others. "God seeks eagle-men," writes Mrs. Charles Cowman in Streams in the Desert. "No man ever comes into a realization of the best things of God,who does not, upon the God ward side of his life, learn to walk alone with God."
Scripture is replete with such men: Abraham living in a tent; Moses herding sheep;Paul alone with God in Arabia. God then often takes those whom He has sheltered in solitude and thrusts them out to minister to others.
Author Caryll Houselander writes of these eagle-souls:
There are those who must live, as it were, in other men's hands; whose success,even if it be of a spiritual order, must be paid for in a suffering of poverty far more terrible than material poverty, a poverty of not having themselves, not having anything of their own - not time, or solitude, or their thoughts, or even their senses: their hearing filled always with other men's troubles, their eyes with the face of other people's sorrows...
Many times you may feel there is no rest: hurting people call you on the phone or appear at your door; your children clamor for attention and love; your spouse wants to spend time with you when you have no time; your boss adds to the piles already on your desk. Only someone who has spent solitude with God can respond as an eagle,mounting up with a reserve of energy provided by the Almighty. Quiet time with Him isn't an option; it's a necessity.
* * * * *
Father God, teach me to come to you for strength when I feel as though I have none.In this way, I'll have strength to dispense love and care on others.
Joni and Friends
16 Fertilize my soul:
Amrita, you are such a dear friend and have a good heart. I pray that you will find ease and peace today. Remember Basil King's quote (you commented on my blog today) about being bold.
A friend wrote "Put on the armor of God, and he'll go ahead of us from the pasture to the war zone."
Dear Amrita,
You are never alone. His right hand is holding you wherever you go.
You've gotta hold on to the promises of the scripture whatever your feelings, read satan, tries to tell you.
Should you feel that Jesus is sleeping, i he still on board in your boat. Hold on to that and I'll pray for your protection.
Yours Felisol
Amrita, I am praying for you, that God will give you the strength and power to over come this oppression. Actually Jesus has already given us the power, and he will give you the weapon you need. David only needed 1 small stone to kill the giant in his life, that, and faith that God was with him!
May god bless you and give you peace, wisdom and strenght and victory over the enemy!
Sorry you are being tried. Hope things will get better for you.
"The Lord is near."
I could sense the deep pain and hardship you are encountering my friend. Take courage and be strengthened by the promises of God. Let me give you this verse that will help you. "But the Lord is faithful, and He will strengthen and protect you from the evil one" (2Thessalonian 3:3). I understand what is happening to you for it is happening to me too. The enemy is on a resurgent onslaught attacking the children of God. It is best that we seek shelter in the wings of our Father, who is likened into an eagle that protects its young with its wings. Try to listen to the praise song Still by Hillsong and you will find relief and rest for your soul. You can listen to it at youtube. Thanks for the expectant post. God bless you always my friend.
I like that Psalm about "preparing a table for me in the presence of mine enemies." Very comforting to know and think about. Hang in there, Amrita.
sending a hug and telling you that you are not alone. God is our comfort and our strength in times of need (and of course always.)!
I have been thinking about you...saw the reviews of Pepli in our paper... and my prayers are with you and will stay with you! Asking your prayers for my friend Judy, who had a stroke over the weekend. Sending a hug, too!
As Mel suggests, listen to some worship music by artists who know the suffering of being alone, like Joni. God will lead you. And may you know His carrying you, His personal ministrations where you need Him the most.
Love, Sita
you will be fine soon,dear.i was about to mail u regarding my probs!i was on vacation and it was very hectic.i was sick too.i still are remembered in my prayers.cheer up!
amrita, as soon as i read your post, i said a prayer for you right away. i have been dealing with something too and i was reminded of the Lord that i should fix my eyes on Him because He controls every circumstance in my life. as i internalize these words, i felt peace. indeed, He is in control.
God knows what you are going through, sis. and He is more than willing to comfort you in ways on He can. hold on, sis. God will make a way.
Amrita, I will be keeping you in my prayers while your in this struggle. Please know your not alone, well.... I know you know that, with God you are never alone.
Amrita, I prayed about You yesterday and today - I felt that something is not very well. The Holy Spirit told in my heart this fact, and I read about Your situation one moment ago. I believe in God's wisdom - He will help You, He won't allow on Your fall.
Dear frinds I want to thank you all individualy for your prayers and uplifting words. I am so tired emotionally and physically, otherwise I would have replied to all of you. I have updated with a prause report today.
"At times God asks us to forego human companionship to experience divine fellowship so that later, we have the strength to give to others." I can totally relate to that from my own experience. There's a really wild debate that I thought would be of interest on evolution vs. intelligent design going on at
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