Wednesday 16 March 2011

Silver Pomfret with Pea Pilaf

For  Sunday  lunch I  made
fried  silver Pomfret  with
fresh  green  peas  pilaf.
I  cooked   the pomfret for   the  very   first  time.
It  is  a  sea  fish and  we  can only
get it  in  frozen  form.
My sister Anjali 's  mother-in-law
Aunty  Saro  used  to  make 
super delicious  pomfret in Mumbai  and  Chennai.
Pomfret   and  all  frozen  food
is  frightfully  expensive.
This  was  a gift from Ash and Megan.
I  visit  the  frozen  foods  store  very  rarely
and  buy  the  tiniest  packets.
Ash and  Megan  bought  me 
so  much. I  was  joking  later  on
The  guy  in the  store doesn 't  consider  me his 
most favourite  customer but   when  I 
went  with Ashish  and  Megan
he  must  have  thought;\Today she  has  come with 
the right  type  of customers LOL.
Thanks  guys.

Please  pray  for  my  sister  Anjali,
Asish' s  mom.
Tomorrow  , Thursday March 17th,
she  is  having  a  colonoscopy
and  upper  respiratory  scan.
The  doctors   found  her  highly anaemic.
Pray  the  results  may  come  out  clear..

Following  up  on  the Japan news
is  so  alarming and  worrying.
It seems  both  the  fury  of  nature  and
vulnerability of technology
(radiation leaks)
have unleashed  themselves
against  that  nation
and the  world  too.
The  whole  world  is  nervous.

We  can  only  say
On Christ  the  Solid  Rock
I  stand
All other  ground 
is  sinking  sand

Are  your  feet  firmly  planted
on  the Solid Rock?

4 Fertilize my soul:

Diane said...

Oh Amrita, the pomfret and pilaf look absolutely delicious! Makes my mouth water just looking at the pictures! I'm so thankful Megan and Ashish visited. It seems they blessed in so many ways!

Please know I am praying for your dear sister and praying the Lord has already miraculous healing in her body.

I, along with you and so many others, am also heart broken for the precious people of Japan. My heart and my prayers go out for them continuously.

Many hugs...........


Nadwrażliwiec said...

I remember about Your sister in my prayers. I'm hope everything will be well.
I first time see the pomfret. I checked in dictionary and in Polish isn't named - it's Polish name is brought from Latin and isn't original. We don't have this fish in shops. But I guess it's delicious :)
Your pilaf also looks very yummy.

Kate said...

The URL for my new blog is
Still getting it tidied up, but it should be there in a day or two.

Mel Avila Alarilla said...

Is pomfret the same as pompano? It is a first class fish catered by well to do people. Great that Megan and Ash gifted you liberally with this fish. Yes, I will pray for your sister Anjali. By the stripes of Jesus she is healed. Amen. God is good and merciful. He will surely hear our prayers. Thanks for the post. God bless you all always.