Thursday, 14 June 2012

Courageous Christianity

In his book, Courageous Christianity, Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones wrote about living for Christ in a hostile society. "Why do I preach the Gospel when people do not want to hear and I face many hardships and discomforts in doing so?" he asked. "I will tell you why. Take this world of ours. We have already had two world wars, and look at the present international situation. What is the matter with this world? What is the matter with men and women? Is there nothing that can put things right? I say that only one thing can even touch the problems of the human race--it is this Gospel."

(quoted  by  Dr  David  Jeremiah  in  his   devotional  magazine  Turning  Point)

Yesterday ,  two  sisters ,  (young  girls)   came  to  see  us  requesting  prayer  for   their  father   who  is  a  heart  patient.

Please  pray  with   us   for   the healing of  Shuba  and Vibha 's  Dad.  Also   pray  that this  family  may fully  surrender  themselves  to  Jesus.

2 Fertilize my soul:

Just Be Real said...

Amrita, thank you for sharing. Blessings.

Amrita said...

God bless you DeanO and JBR