Thursday 7 October 2010

Be Interested in People

14 Fertilize my soul:

Paresh Palicha said...

Didi, I've found most visitors too are sensitive about our culture (having done their homework before packing their bags), aware of our history & geography.

Most of them are courteous if not pleasant in satisfying our curiosity about their lives.

Rosemary said...

You are a beautiful and inspiring woman, Amrita, I enjoy reading your blog. What I find inspiring is your continued love of Christ and your never-ending enthusiasm for spreading the Good Word. I agree, we need to reach out and connect with others and to touch their humanity with out own. Thank you for an enlightening part of my day.

Anonymous said...

great son the other day was looking at his fingers and said in amazement "Mom, no one has these fingerprints do they?" I replied, no, they are yours alone.." he said, "I am copyrighted!"

Felisol said...

Dear Amrita,
The more I read and see, the more India becomes the country of my dreams.
You are a great ambassador for your country.

Nikki (Sarah) said...

I find people in warmer countries very friendly. It's like that in Israel too.

So, I Begin this Journey...... said...

Hello Friend,
I love the new look of your blog!
Your post are always inspiring and interesting to read.... will visit again soon.


Grayquill said...

Making me think again are you?
Good Post!

Abigail Jasmine said...

This video really inspired me too..I love how blessed John Piper is to share God's word like so!!

Nadwrażliwiec said...

I greet everyone in this blog and Amrita - You too.

Amrita said...

Dear Paresh, th e world is s hiriking due to info avalable at our finger tips - and so there is greater understanding among people. I India it is polite to enquire about the well being and life of people , I think, be they strangers too.

Amrita said...

DFear Rosemary, tha t you for your kind comment.

Dani, you son said a very profound thing. Psalm 139 paraphrased - we are all unique;y created.

Amrita said...

Dear Felisol, I invite to visit India, I am very interested in how you react to our country and what experiences you have. And you will do a lot of shipping I am sure.

Amrita said...

Hi Sarahm that is a very sweet observation bu t I am sure people in colder countries share warmth and friendship around a comfy fire anda cup of hot coffee, just like we do under a cooling fan with a cold drink (smile)

Thank you Lis.

Dear GQ your post mak e my laugh and cry at the same time - you are a pholosopher and such a lucid writer.

Amrita said...

Dear Abigail, thank you for the video. It was a gift from your blog which stirred my heart.Best wishes to you and your hubby.

Thank you Zimb. I am learning so much about Poland from your blog.

Dear un-named friend, thank you for your visit.