Sunday 25 May 2008

Sunday Blessings-Happy Birthday & A House Full of Children

Good church in the morning. This has been a weekend of birthdays Today is Anju"s birthday. (my sister). I called her up and later spoke on Yahoo Messenger.They were leaving for church.Anju you look lovely as a bride . I have your sari hanging safely in my wardrobe. You must wear it again one day. The silver purse - where is it?

Today also is my friend Ruth 's birthday.She is a very dear friend from Woodstock School. Paul and Ruth were teachers while their 3 children went to school.They live and work in UK now.Happy birthday Ruth.

Yesterday was Sinran 's birthday. She turned 7.Shalu invited us for dinner.
Today these kids had a rollicking time in our house.Here are Babu, Abner and Simran .
Here is another one of them making faces.

24 Fertilize my soul:

the mother of this lot said...

Beautiful photos Amrita. Anju does look lovely as a bride.

Jo's-D-Eyes said...

Hey dear Amrita,
A lot of birthdays, I like you sisters expression, she is very pretty (like you!!)

Happy Sunday wishes from JoAnn (Holland)

Rebecca said...

Well....a happy birthday to one and all and congratulations on having family members and friends who are celebrating!!!!!

Felisol said...

Dear Amrita,
happy birthday to your beautiful sister and hello to those kids full of live and good humor.
You are certainly living a busy life. don't think I be able to cope with that many people and that amount of responsibility that you have to hanndle.
I am still praying for a vacation for you.
God bless the week coming up, that water and electricity may work just fine.
Blessings from Felisol

Saija said...

wow - look at all the birthdays ... and happy birthday to all!

your sister made a lovely bride ... :o)

Amrita said...

Thank you kind friends.

Hi Laura, thank you for visting my blog.Your blog is really good.I must find out which part of Canada your town is located.

Hi Felisol,
These days Sonia is helping me with cooking, so that is a great blessing.Sometimes I feel like a clockwork mouse and I have to stop and say to myself i need to take it more slowly.

Hi JoAnn your creative photography is super.

Jackie I tried to comment on you posts many times yesterday, but the window just wouldn 't open.I 'll try again.

Hi Rebecca enjoy your summer, while the sun is shining.

Shari said...

I just love the dresses that Indian brides wear.

Mike's Travels said...

Celebrations! Lovely shots of the little children.

Sita said...

Great pics of happy times. Hey, I mentioned you in my last post, so don't be surprised if the traffic here increases by the thousands to check you out! Just kidding(-;
I have a small but loyal group who check up on me.

To reiterate, the fruit of patience spills out from your heart. Thank you for your joy and submissive heart to Him.
Love, Sita

Angie said...

Such friendly faces. Also celebrating my little Zach's birthday. He's 8 today.

I love the color of Anju's sari. Beautiful.

Amrita said...

Hi Mike, how are you doing?

Thank you Sita, you are a great sister.
Hi Anjie,

Happy birthday to little Zach.I love birthday saeson. End of May is one for me.

Creative-Type Dad said...

Happy birthday to all - and beautiful children

Amrita said...

Hi CT Dad, Tony,

I love your blog and wish all 2 year olds have Dads like you and mums too.

Anonymous said...

oh! how wonderful! belated happy birthday to these precious children of God. God bless!

Renae said...

Happy Belated Birthday to all of these! Yes, your sister is lovely. Must run in the family. ;-)


Pat said...

Beautiful pictures and a time to celebrate! Your sister is beautiful..just like you.

JO said...


Great pics of the kids and your sister looks beautiful on her wedding day shot... lovely post.

Gudl said...

Happy Birthday to everybody.
The children look beautiful. Your sister, too!

Susan Skitt said...

Happy Birthday to all! Thanks for sharing!

Mrs. Mac said...

beautiful smiling faces. I enjoyed viewing the pictures of your family and friends celebrating birthdays. hugs

monsoon dreams said...

happy b'day to all of them!it was so sweet of you to remember their b'days and post them in your blog.

Amrita said...

Thank you Monsoon Dreams,enjoying your summer season?

My sister Anju thanks everyone for the birthday wishes.She had friends over for the weekend and they cooked lots of food.This weekend too they will have a doctor couple (Shri Lankan) missionaries with the Sudan Interior Mission. They were friends in Nigeria.

Dick said...

Happy birthday to all, nice pictures.

Roo said...

the photos of the children are beautiful!! happy birthday to everyone mentionned!

ps your sisters wedding sari is amazing!!! incredible.