but they still look pretty.
and fertilized the rose bushes.
Without his help we would never
have such a display
as well as shopping .
Nam and family will drive down to Guwahati (Assam state) tomorrow morning.
Their train is on the 22nd, but they have to travel
2 days earlier because the highway will
be closed on the 21st and 22nd. for repairs.
It means 2 days extra hotel expense, but it can 't be helped.
Its the first real trip of their lives.
They came here when they were
very small.
Nam is excited too she is coming after 3 years.
time, which is quite rare.
I will go to the train station to receive them with my Pastor
and Jags.
She is arriving on her birthday (23rd)
So I have to prepare a birthday lunch for her.
Hope I get everything done.
Quite jittery about it and
miss my right hand Sonia.
She will arrive on Dec 26th.
At Christmas we give little packages (like Christmas baskets)
to those who help us and are from
underprivileged backgrounds
Store bought cakes and sweet and salty snacks, cookies,a little money
and second hand clothes -(to some of them)
sometimes new ones if they really need them.
I have to assemble 7 or 8 of these gifts.
to sun and clean it.
And Sheeba immediately took up her post on it.
who had wandered into our campus.
milch buffalo into our yard.
Can you imagine what she would have
done to our flowers and vegetables?
You deserve an extra bone
and treat.
The little group was conducted by my eye surgeon cousin.
He is playing the guitar.
He plays all sorts of instruments.
There a 2 Koreans in the chior.
Tghis service took place in the Anglican church.
I was sitting in the third row
as you can tell by the video
12 Fertilize my soul:
Good little Sheeba! what a great watchdog...give her a treat from me as she does such a good job.....
love your videos also.....what a blessing.....
Dear Amrita,
I am glad Sheeba is taking good care of you. How safe to know, the guardian angles have an assistant.
You have indeed cultivated a lovely garden for Jesus, Amrita. Such beautiful flowers.
I'm praying for a safe journey for your guests and a blessed holiday for all your family.
Special reguards to your mother.
From Felisol
I like your Christmas dog header and oh, those roses, they are my favorite. I can't believe someone would put their milch buffalo in your yard! When our pigs and cows would get into our garden we would all go running before they destroyed our harvest and winter vegetables! Corn was my favorite, so I really ran to save the corn! Glad you are having family for Christmas. I hope you have a lovely time. I told Daniel you said you liked his Christmas decorations from India. He was very surprised to get a response in India! Gerry
BeaWOOtiful pikhs!
I think Sheeba would LOVE to be here today!
I got snow, snow, and SNOW!
blessings on you as you celebrate Jesus birth ... i love to read the things you share about your life ... and even tho' our cultures are different, Christ really does unite our hearts!
I hope they will have a safe journey, 25 or 40 hours wow, that is a very long time.
I wish you and your dear ones a great and wonderful Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Your flowers are a welcome sight to me as I look out my window and see snow! They are so beautifully cultivated!
Sheeba looks very nice on that brightly colored rug...what a good guard dog!
Many thank to all of you for your resposes.
Yes the Lord 's angels are round about us to protect us. I feel their presense.
Sheeba is a good girl. She got some jiucey bones and cookies for a treat. Otherwise she pretty much gets a share of whatever snack we are having , she loves roasted peanuts.
Hi Gerry you 've had real farm experiences.
Dear friends I covet your prayers for Namrita and her sons as they travel on the 22nd. Some of the area their train will be passing through is infested with insurgents, rebels and left wing extremists who create trouble on the trainb tracks.
Do pray for their safety.
You have flowers and I have snow! LOL
Hi there Amrita!
What a pretty girl is Sheeba. I just love her. Tell her "Howdy" from a Texan and her two old doggies!
Hope Namrita's trip is uneventful. I cannot stand these radicals and insurgents and all the mischief they are causing worldwide. To think they would try to blow up innocent people, it just sickens me. Yet all over the world they flourish like the green bay trees. I don't think they have any sense of the beauty of the world.
Speaking of beauty, the roses and flowers are lovely! As is the gift of the baskets of goodies to the poor!
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