A short while ago I returned from taking part in a silent
candle light Peace March organized by all the churches of Allahabad .
This was is support of our distressed brothers and sisters in Orisaa
denominations participated in this demonstration
concluded at the Anglican Cathedral.
Three bishops addressed a public meeting in which we expressed our solidarity with the riot victims and asked for protection and justice for
those who are reeling under anti communal atrocities.
The meeting ended with prayer and loud shouts of
Yesu Masih ki Jai (Praise the name of Jesus)
Bharat Mata ki Jai (Praise be to Mother India)
also participated.
I almost didn 't go as a few days a ago a poisonous insect bit me and my face has been very painful and I have heaviness in my head and
a nagging headache.
But I just couldn 't stop myself.
What is my little ache and pain before those who have
lost their lives and everything in the fire.
And I am glad I went for my pain is insignificant in
comparison to what others are going through.
The Bible says,in the body of Christ , the church,
The Bible says,in the body of Christ , the church,
when one member suffers all suffer.
1 Cor 12 (NIV) 25so that there should be no division in the body, but that its parts should have equal concern for each other. 26If one part suffers, every part suffers with it; if one part is honored, every part rejoices with it.
12 Fertilize my soul:
God bless you, Amrita! Thank you for taking part in this, in spite of your painful insect bite. In a way, you represented those of us around the world who could not be there.
Thinking of U Amrita
Thank you, Amrita, for sharing this. May the Lord's blessings be upon you, and may your faithfulness (and that of others) be credited as righteousness.
I was so glad to hear our pastor, Sunder, speaking about the situation in Orissa today, that we should lament the sufferings of our brothers and sisters there while we live in relative comfort and ease and freedom.
1Peter 1:7 - These have come so that your faith—of greater worth than gold, which perishes even though refined by fire—may be proved genuine and may result in praise, glory and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed.
Thinking of you and praying for you,
Love, Sita
Dear Amrita,
what a brave and Christian act.
Forgetting your own pains to participate in this important march.
May God heal you faster than lightening.
I am shocked and frightened by the brutality and hatred towards the Christians.
Since I know you, the destiny of the Christians and of the people of India have become my personal issue too.
Thaning God for the blessings of the internet.
Superhug from Felisol
Dear Amrita,
I join this motion. I do not believe that the Christians killed the Swami. I believe he was killed by power hungry people in his own group and they are victimising Christians. Too bad! Really shameful!
Hope you feel better soon!
I am so glad I found your blog! So much more to learn about India, So much more to think about in this world, so much more to pray about!!! Thank you for posting about this and know that prayers are coming from Ukraine.
Wow what a beautiful show of solidarity. Oh that the church across the world would show the same. Praying for you and your fellow christians in India. I'll keep saying it - you are quite the inspiration to me and to many others.
"praying for healing for Amrita ... and a blessing to her and all who stood up for You, Lord ... in Jesus name"
Mark 16 says:
17And these signs will accompany those who believe: In my name they will drive out demons; they will speak in new tongues; 18they will pick up snakes with their hands; and when they drink deadly poison, it will not hurt them at all; they will place their hands on sick people, and they will get well."
Don't let anything, if only an insect bite, be something to hinder you from doing the Lords work. Train your faith in God's promises. Insect bites and small things like that are good opportunities to put to use God's promises, to stand on the Word, and not give into the lies.
And why would you want to go to a doctor? God has already said in His Word that he IS our Healer.
Isn't He good enough for you?
I think you know He's good for His Word. But we need to learn how to stand on it, and to use the Word to destroy the Works of the enemy.
Take this to heart, dear sister,
and my God bless you with His peace, joy and boldness.
Thank you so much for your prayers friends.
Two days ago 80 houses were burnt. News is being censored too.On one of the news channels I heard a Christian refugee say they are not getting proper food in the relief camps set up for them.Faith is on trial.
Hi Benjimen, welcome to my blog. Norway is a beautiful country. I like its traditions and old fashioned villages and churches. I get to see that on my friend Felisol 's blog.
Hi Michelle, I 'm following the Georgia situation on the BBC. America has expressed support.I heard there was a political situation in Ukraine, don 't remember what it was. maybe farmers asking for a reduction in diesel prices
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