Sunday, 6 June 2010

Sunday Blessings: Awake and Breathe

Writer Maria McKee has a song called 'Breathe '
in which she presents
an offering of herself to Christ.
I will let you breathe through me
I will let you be with me...
My heart beats your blood;
your breath fills my lungs.

The Lord enabled Mama, Sonia and I
to do small acts of kindness
for the people who bear a grudge against us
and hurt us before they
left for a summer trip
this morning.
I know God will change
their hearts if they
listen to His voice.
We awaken in Christ 's body
As Christ awakens in our bodies...
and everything that is hurt,everything
that seems to us dark, harsh, shameful,
maimed, ugly, irreparably
damaged, is in Him transformed
recognized as whole, as lovely.
and radiant in his light.
-Symeon the New Theologian (949-1022)

18 Fertilize my soul:

Mel Avila Alarilla said...

That's a wonderful Christ like attitude- forgiving those who hurt you. It is in response to God's admonition for us to love one another as Christ loves us. It is easy to love others by human standards but so hard to love others by Christ' standards. That means we have to forgive our offenders over and over again and pray for them and bless them. Thus we become the light of the world and the salt of the earth as Christ had admonished us. Thanks for the sublime post. God bless you always.

Buttercup said...

Amrita, You have a beautiful heart. Prayers and wishes for you and your family.

Nadwrażliwiec said...

Today before the devotion I talked with old man, who lived in Australia and was travelling to different countries - he lives in Poland now. He told me that we can't discourage because of people, who don't believe in Christ and reject Him. People like they were, are and will be to the Day of Second Coming of Christ.
Pharisees said that Jesus had the demon and blasphemed Him.
I see Your great love to God, Amrita and I believe that He bless You in this difficult time. One pastor from Greece said, that is impossible to be real student of Christ and not be persecuted. Last time I also (not in real live, but in blog) was injured by atheist, who very aggressive and without knowledge about me told that I'm fanatic and my note about Israel is hideous.
The time is near, and we must talk about Christ everyone - it doesn't matter, if someone accept Him or no.
I will pray about You.

Grayquill said...

Hmmmm...I think Maria lives by faith. The poem said it well. :)

David C Brown said...

The words of Jesus, "Father forgive them for they know not what they do" were reflected in the words of Stephen, "Lord, lay not this sin to their charge". The features of Christ do come out in His people in this spirit of forgiving.

God bless you all!

Joseph Pulikotil said...

Hello Amrita:)

Beautiful song of trust and faith in God and HIS amazing power to bring solace,comfort,forgiveness and peace.

If we trust in God all our problems will vanish.

Lovely message on Sunday to ponder over.

Best wishes:)

Saija said...

"Lord, bless my sister Amrita with wisdom, grace and strength ... make her home and family a witness of how Christ changes us and lives in us" ....

blessings upon blessings on you!

Holly, the Old Western Gal said...

Kill 'em with kindness, Amrita!!!

Well, I know you have a loving heart. Glad you don't let ignoramuses bring you down. NOBLESSE OBLIGE...

Pat said...

Lord let your HOly Spirit breathe in us...we praise you!

Paresh Palicha said...

Didi, hope everything will be back to normal for you soon. God bless you.

Sita said...

Dear Amrita,
Your 'persecution' is much more overt and ongoing than we can imagine and you rarely get a 'physical' break. I pray that God gives you a wonderful respite to refresh you and Mom, body and soul.
I agree with Zimbabwe..and this was my Nouwen devo this morning:

Joint Heirs with Christ

We continue to put ourselves down as less than Christ. Thus, we avoid the full honour as well as the full pain of the Christian life. But the Spirit that guided Jesus guides us. Paul says: "The Spirit himself joins with our spirit to bear witness that we are children of God. And if we are children, then we are heirs, heirs of God and joint-heirs with Christ" (Romans 8:16-17).

When we start living according to this truth, our lives will be radically transformed. We will not only come to know the full freedom of the children of God but also the full rejection of the world. It is understandable that we hesitate to claim the honor so as to avoid the pain. But, provided we are willing to share in Christ's suffering, we also will share in his glory (see Romans 8:17).

Felisol said...

Dear Amrita,
I pray for you that your trials must be turned into blessings.
The strong prayer from Symeon the New Theologian shows it can be done in wonderful ways.
I pray the healing Lord let all your scars be turned into shining jewels for the world to see.
Oh,Lord deliver us from all evil.

Amrita said...

Thank you dear friend s your kind words and prayer suppot and good wishes have really been our strength and comfort.

Actually these folks are facing some problems of their own and instead of dealing with their guilt and discord they are spraying others with negavity and anger.

Dear Sita thank you for that encouragement

Debra said...

Beautiful song, beautiful butterflies, beautiful post.

Blessings and hugs to Amrita!

Amrita said...

Thank you GrayQuill and Debra.

Dear GQ, I still can 't open your blog

Julia Dutta said...


You bring the Lord to everyday practice of life. Just as it should be. A change of heart is really only what He can do for us.


Nicky Abram said...

Dear Amrita, I hope you, Mama and Sonia feel better now and that your life is radiant and peaceful again. I felt like that at the beginning of the hols. Our God is full of compassion and care, I ask for you to be restored and healed. In Christ. Lots of love x

Amrita said...

Thank you my dear brothers and sisters.