Monday, 30 July 2007


Thank you dear friends for your kind words of sympathy and encouragement.God has been good to us .

Since the past two days my fever is controlled ,but I 've been coughing like an old horse on the way to the glue factory.I am allergic to changes in temperature, that causes headache and sinus problems. I called up a doctor friend and she recommended a cough syrup which has helped.But I feel awfully weak, head feels funny and my mouth is bitter.

We 've been having a steady steam of visitors and telephone calls.Aunt Sybil is getting more and more confused and frustrated day by day. we 've kept an ayah (maid) to look after her.

Since the past 4 years I 've been battling with sickness, old age,disability and countless other problems. All this has taken a very heavy toll on me.So I am going to offer voluntary service to teach English to the female students of the Seminary, (many of them need to develop their language skills). I will ask them to give me transport money as the college is far from my home.This will give me a chance to get out , use my skills and socialize.I am being very hopeful, lets see if they 'll accept me. the Principal is a family friend though.

Yesterday July 9th, was my elder BIL 's birthday.They live in Canada.We wanted to celebrate here, but I didn 't have the strength to cook, so Mama volunteered. She not a cook but reminded me that she made a cake once and sambar (Lentil with veggies). She made quite a decent soy dish.And for the evening meal I just made Maggie noodles.

Gotta go and give Sheeba a tick bath, I discovered three ticks hanging on to her yesterday that gave me the jitters.My dogs are absolutely tick free, ticks just tick me off.

3 Fertilize my soul:

Kate said...

This is a common problem for people in our age-group, I think. Caretaking for aging relatives is a universal stress-inducer. You are so pateint and forbearing - I think it's a great idea that you're formulating a plan to take some time for yourself.

Rebecca said...

I have been really sad to hear of all of your struggles of late....but I think it is a good idea that you start to do something for yourself. I hope that it works out for you teaching the English......... Keep getting better...

Roo said...

dear sorry to hear that life has been harsh lately. shalom to your heart my friend. may you know His Comfort....