Saturday, 22 September 2012

Day 16-Throwing Out The Junk

Today  was  junk  riddance  day.I  called   a  junk  man  known as a
kabadi  wala and  sold  him  all  the useless stuff  lying around  gathering  dust  and  rust.Irreparable  things...bits  and  pieces  falling apart.
I  also  gave  away  the  things  someone  said  they  could  fix.
The  kabadi  walas  or  junk  collectors  patrol  the  city  streets  on  the  lookout    for folks  wanting  to  get  rid  of  their  rubbish..
Old  newspapers, books  ,  toys ,  furniture and  appliances  , 
just  anything you  don 't need  anymore is  taken off  your  hands
usually  after  a  lot  of haggling  over  the  price.
The  junk man  takes  the  stuff  to  his  junk  yard  where  he  disposes  it  off  as  scrap etc.

There  is  another  kind  of   junk  which  I  need  to  get  rid of 
 and  I  don 't need  a  kabadi wala for  it. 
It  is  done  through prayer,  repentance  and  submitting  to  God.
Over  time  I  collect   junk 
like  old  memories  which  disturb
unforgiving  thoughts
carnal  attitudes
and  anxieties.
They  cloud my  thinking
making  it  easier  for  Satan  to  shoot
is  fiery   darts at  me (Ephesians  6)

O  Lord  remove   all this  junk
from   my  heart  and soul
so  that  I  may  live  a sanctified  life
pleasing  to  you.
Ephesians 4:31

Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice.

Ephesians 4:30-32  NIV  (BIBLE)

Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship. Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.
Romans 12; 1,2 NIV (BIBLE)

14 Fertilize my soul:

Nadwrażliwiec said...

Junk is something from our old life, something from times before we know God. It isn't easy to fight with it, sometimes it takes years. But God is stronger than our old nature.

Buttercup said...

I'm working on getting rid of the junk in my heart, too. There's lots to discard in my home, but the heart takes precedence.

Amrita said...

You are right Zim, sometimes it takes a while to work on getting rid of old stuff.

Amrita said...

Me too Buttercup. Go d bless you

Terra said...

I like that you have a junk man you can contact to come and get your physical junk, and now the harder part; to clean out our spiritual bits and pieces that are not helping us.

Carol-Ann Allen said...

This post is as satisfying as a well-prepared dinner!

John M Cowart said...

Wow! A few things to say here it seems. 1(I noticed a few years ago after a house fire, with in ONE year while others were rebuilding the house that you can accumulate So much crap! In just one year!)

2) Things are done a bit differently here in the US. We just sort of put out our trash. No haggeling is involved though. And some folks put trash I guess you'd call it. Last year I found a number of folks putting out toys as trash with store labels still on them. Just for the kids of lower income families. For Chistmass.

We drive the streets a find our treasures in garbage cans. Well, my level of our society does anyway. The Rich do...something different I'm sure.

It seems over here we...try to help out other folks in a different way? I'm not sure what that is about.

3) We have scrap yards here as I'm sure every country does. But we don't really have the habit of negotiating things as most of the rest of the world seems to. Everything has a set price and you pay it or you don't here.

I have seen some hagaling more and more often. Which I think is fantastic. With the economy here it helps a Lot! IMO when you can trade goods for services or one needful thing for another. This is a good thing.

This has gotten way too long. Amrita. HUGS Love you Hon.

John M Cowart said...

Bloody hell! I forgot to speak to the Spiritual Junk. So I guess I'm not done. LOL

Recently a young lady got very upset with me about my telling her that forgiveness would release her from her pain.

She..was apparently NOT happy to hear this sort of talk. So, she and a bunch of her friends have sort of been jumping on me this Day. they say about me being an evil man and trying to cause her even more pain.

I breath. I love her anyway. I realize that she is not ready to accept forgiveness to herself or others.

My choice now is to attack back or forgive.

I Choose to forgive. While it is not directly in the Bible, I have come to believe that to forgive is one of my functions here.

Vengeance of any sort is God's purview and not mine. I think he even created an Angel for it didn't he?

Any way, Amrita. HUGS Love you Hon.

Donetta said...

it is a wonderful thing that clean hands create a pour heart. what freedom when we just use the simple facts of I am sorry without defending yourself

David C Brown said...

The more room in the heart for Christ, the less room for any junk!

Hold my hand: a social worker's blog said...

We all need these courageous moments to truly get rid of both spiritual and material junk... at the same time! Getting rid of what we don't need, don't use, can't be fixed, etc. takes a lot of emotional cleaning as well. I know the space that is open in our hearts and home after the cleaning will allow new good things to flow.

Nice post, Amrita!

David Edward said...

The more I lose or give away the freer and more blessed I find myself to be. the stuff tries to own me, instead of me owning it. from now, I want to cling to the Father and let loose earthly goods that can not be put to use for His kingdom.

John M Cowart said...

My, I do seem to go on about this subject. This is just a note, not a book. :) I've found when cleaning out attics, basements, garages or other lone term storage areas. DO NOT open the boxes! You take the box and put it in the trash. You've lived without this stuff for years!

We get into trouble when we open the box. We get one of those (aww..I remember when..).

And then we spend the day getting lost in our memories. Which is fine, but not terribly productive to accomplishing the cleaning process.


Crown of Beauty said...

This is a good post, Amrita. I have not read all your posts for this 40 day series, but I thank God for touching you to do that. You are an encouragement to me. I agree that we need to get rid of all our junk, and live clutter free lives.
