Had a good service.Pastor 's younger brother attended for the very first time. He is a Hindu.
The boys drilled till the water lasted. About 80 feet. We are supplying all the water from our house supply. We have attached a pump to a our outdoor tap and with a long hose we are filling this trench with water.
We are just waiting for the day our well will start working so that everyone can be satisfied.
Our sanctuary is over 200 years old and we don 't have running water in it. We store water in containers. with the well we will have indoor plumbing and a proper wash room. All this will cost a tidy sum and we are looking towards our Shepherd to lead us beside still waters.
Jesus is the water of LIFE He will not let us go thirsty...spiritually and physically.
Tonight our electricity supply is blinking all the time. Its real frustrating.We are living in a war zone. Please pray for endurance. Visiting blogs and posting is quite a challenge.And I want to watch a movie called Monster-in-Law on HBO.Its supposed to be funny.
10 Fertilize my soul:
Hi Amrita;
That is neat about the Pastor's brother...what did her think about the service. Seeds planted I am sure...the Lord will surely water them!
Glad the well is coming along. Our Jehovah Jireh is faithful!
blessings to you
mama to 6
one homemade and 5 adopted
So glad you have been able to post lately. We are praying that the well is finished quickly and will be a great success!
hello my friend! wow! 80 feet! that's pretty deep.
we are enjoying the beginnings of spring in our land. the snow is finally gone! hopefully soon i will see lots of flowers blooming like the ones you have on your blog header. :)
shalom my friend. xo much love,
Hello Dear Lady, I visit the in laws to day and she spoke of the well and the water issues. We have been very busy with life and the events here so as I had not been on the computer for a while. I rejoice with you in that provisions are at hand. She is reaching out with such a happy heart to do so. At her church they actually spoke about digging wells in India today. The missions there are reaching out. I do not know if she told you or if perhaps she can hook you up with that organization.
Life is full here and I may try to post tonight I am tired and so I'll at least say hello and peace be with you.
I hope and pray that the well will be a success!
It is great that your pastor's brother came to church!
I saw that movie you mentioned...it is funny.
Blessings to you!
hi amrita. i am catching up on my blog friends this morning. i must tell you how your blogs move me, although i don't often enough comment. our lives are so different and Christ uses you to keep my eyes fixed on Him and on those across the world who He is using in so many way. I don't live with the daily challenges you do, i am amazed by your life and your ministry.
Hopefully, by the time I write this, you will have running water!
Wow - what an endeavour we have well water at our home it is very soft water and I like it. I cannot imagine having to ration water but I am so thankful that you have been able to dig for water. Hope it all works out well (get it works out WELL) Sorry!!!! lol
Since Living Beyond played with words that gives me the liberty to do my little bit:
When we lived in Africa my Dad decided we needed a well. This was WAY before they could drill holes. The guys on his team dug a complete, old-fashioned well with shovels and buckets on ropes to lift the dirty and muck as they got deeper.
My Mom was a bundle of nerves and begged him each day to be careful, fearful that they whole thing would cave in! Often he was down in the pit himself.
Finally one day we heard him laughing away in tha big ho-ho-ho that he knew how to give. The Lord, he said, had given him a verse in his quiet time and the project would go on:
Galatians 6:9 "And let us not be weary in WELL doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not."
Living Beyaond and Carol-Ann thanks for your great comments.
You have seen the 'old fashioned ' stuff.We have modern machines here but they are too costly to hire.
Thanks Donetta.I heard from your gracious MIL and she has put in a contribution for our project in the mail, which is so welcome and appreciated and needed too.God bless your dear family.
Hi Kate actually the parsonage has indoor plumbing but it is of no used (or very little) when the water supply is so low. With the well there will be enough for all. The church plumbing has to be installed.
In our country we have to adapt to all kinds of situations...learn great lessons of life through that.
Living Beyond, you 'll be surprised to hear that our electricity is also 'rationed '
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