Friday, 25 July 2008

Butterflies, Blossoms, Vines and Cacti

Children are like butterflies -
a friend 's daughter
People are like blossoms

colorful and scented

All these are found in our garden

Can anyone tell me their names

I am like this rambling
gourd or courgette vine

This is the vegetable.
But some folk are like cacti ready to prick you if you get close enough.
Yesterday I dropped in to see an old lady on the first death anniversary of her husband but she vas cold and indifferent.. She 's been like a cactus all her life, maybe her method of self protection.
Today I had to go to a bank known for its cactus people.I prayed really hard before , the Lord 's favor showered on me and a man gave me the information I sought - after fussing a little.I stood before him with a pathetic face and literally begged him to help me he took pity on me.
In India you have to try all sorts of PR techniques to get your job done LOL.
Today Simran came for her lessons. She did not turn up yesterday.Before school work, I trimmed her hair,shampooed , washed and oiled it. Made her vash her face, hands and feet with soap.
That child is a victim of neglect and emotional abuse.The mother favors her son.Daughter is of less value.We want to make her feel loved and needed.
I applaud and admire the way, you my blog friends are raising your children ,many of them with special needs. I am inspired by you and I also want to do something for children.

14 Fertilize my soul:

Jeanette said...

Gorgeous flowers, Amrita! The only one I recognize is the first one -- Portulaca sometimes called moss rose.

Cactus people -- I will have to remember that expression. You are right, there is usually a reason why people act like that, maybe even a very good reason.

I am imagining how Simran feels, and I am sure she can hardly wait to come to your house because of your care, love, and attention. Many (even her mother) would consider her "the least of these," which means you are really caring for and loving Jesus.

Saija said...

yup ... my flowers are always teaching me lessons too ...

as for identifying any ... i am so bad!!! i go by the colours!!! *laughing* ...

blessings on your weekend!

pai said...

#2 looks like purselane and #3 & #4 are crepe myrtle

Felisol said...

Dear Amrita,
you must be one of the highest awarded women in India, by the looks of your left marge.
How touching it is of you to groom and care for that little child.
Jesus said, "Whar you have done for one of my smallest, you have done for me."
Bless you for do countless good things for Jesus.
They will be remembered.
From Felisol

Felisol said...

P.S. Love the flowers too, of course I do. Just don't know their names.
Yours Felisol

Donetta said...

The perfect religion is to tend the widow and the orphan and to keep oneself unstained by the world.
I rejoice that she has a Mother in you.
I just read about the bombing in India. I hope that you are safe.

Kathie said...

beautiful photos
blessing from costa rica

K M F said...


JO said...

Beautiful post - I liek your new look too!

You are a blessed soul! May God continue to enrich and bless your life.

Take Care.

Roo said...

amazing garden amrita!

Anonymous said...

those are bitter gourd right? my favorite!

Julia Dutta said...

I think the last statement you made - I applaud and admire the vay, you my blog friends are raising your children ,many of them with special needs. I am inspired by you and I also vant to do something for children - was the most touching. I know of many parents and care givers who are looking after special children and only God knows how sensitive they become as the Lord bestows upon them special skills and patience to perform the acts of caring for these children. Simran is most fortunate, I hope she will remember this as she grows up in the warth of love, acceptance and care.
I will only see you tomorrow....have a good - Rest of the day!

ruby said...

Hi Amrita,
Ruby Gamble here! (remember me at Woodstock?) Hannah Taylor, daughter of Paul and Ruth, is staying with me for a few days, and we have been reading your blog. We are tremendously impressed by . . .the variety, the photos, EVERYTHING!!
God bless you,

Amrita said...

Dear Ruby,
Such a pleasant surprise to read your comment here.A cyber handshake for you after so many years.

I remember you soft, musical Irish accent and your lovely stitching (can 't spell the right vord) and all out times of fello-ship.