Saturday, 12 July 2008

Harvest Fields

I like visiting and find many treasures there.I got this video from them.Challenges me to think about my responsibility to my fellowman.

There are needy hurting people everywhere even in the most industrialized countries of the world.And in the economically backward countries the gap between the rich and poor is widening.
I ask Christ to enable me to do my tiny bit to reach out.
My present house help is a middle aged lady , lost her husband and has 2 teen aged children.She is taking care of her aged FIL. Her late husband 's younger brother and his family (3 children) also live with her.This man works and earns enough to feed his family, but they expect our Fatima to feed them. Sometimes he brings a handful of groceries.
At times Fatima stopped feeding them, but then she could not bear to see them hungry. This kind of dependency is selfish and cruel, I should add.
Fatima is struggling with 2 jobs herself.
Sometimes poverty and culture and vice can add to a person 's burdens.
I like reading blogs of people involved in missions and out in the harvest field.
My friend Robin recently returned from a trip to Romania. I am challenged by her experiences. Visit her and see.
Bonnie also travels to various harvest fields.Her photos and poetry is very good.
And to read about some of the labourers in the harvest field I go HERE
Take a look. You"ll be blessed too.

15 Fertilize my soul:

nannykim said...

Thanks for sharing; that was good.

Joyfulsister said...

Amrita, I work for the Salvation Army and we have so many wonderful mission workers and many many young youth out on mission right now all over the world, it is so good to see young people on fire for the Lord these days. Thanks for checking up on me about our Volcanic eruptions here in Hawaii. I'm okay it is on an other island where I grew up, it has been active on and off for many years now. it is a threat to the population leaving near by, but praise God so far it flows toward another direction and goes into the ocean. Hugz Lorie

Gudl said...

So true.

Roo said...

so right my friend. there are needs everywhere we look. as long as we are looking -- we will find them. xo

Anonymous said...


I join your prayers that the Lord of the Harvest will send workers... more workers to the field.


Sita said...

Hi Amrita,
Having a busy day today. Hearing what God is doing in other lands always puts your own life in perspective. We regularly get missionary updates in our church. I really like that first site you mentioned.
My son will be 15 tomorrow. How time flies. Anyway, Hope you all are feeling a bit better now. Take care.
Love, Sita

Sheryl said...

Amrita, how right you are. There are need everywhere and as believers we need to be doing our part. As you know my son is gone right now on a mission trip. If we start them young, mabye they will catch the vision of doing for others. Again, you inspire me to look outside of myself and my cirumcumstances.
Love to you,

regina barnett said...

You are so right.. Needs are everywhere, Hurting people, hungry peoples, peoples with all kinds of needs. Thanks for sharing.

Kimmie said...


Truly I am a blessed woman, I have so much. I was speaking to my children this week of how much we had, how we need thankful hearts and that simplicity brings much joy. 5 of my children are adopted, 4 were old enough to remember the days of their former life. Days they experienced hunger, neglect and abuse...I pray that Believers would open their eyes and see that there is a field ripe to harvest...a field full of orphans that the Lord told us in James 1:27 to care for.

Thank you for sharing.

mama to 6
one homemade and 5 adopted

Amrita said...

Hi nannykim, your blog is very interesting and the photos too. Thank you for visitng my place.

Many of you my dear friends have adopted orphans and abandoned children and that is commentdable. Saving lives like this.Yes Kimmie, you and Donetta and Will of Job 's Tales, and so many more. Zen master has adopted her sister 's children.

My parents took in Sonia, an abandoned abused small girl who was working as a child labourer. And now the Lord has blessed her so much.

Amrita said...

Yes Sheryl, I read about your son going on a mission 's trip.

Bonnie your daughter also went, i read.

Its wonderful to see our future generation spread their wings and fly for the Lord.

Sita, want to wish your sonny boy a happy birthday

Donetta said...

I do hope your Mother is alright. How are you doing with the transition of Sybille passing away?
I hope your feeling well. Seed by seed so many sown. It is a different world here. A new movie came out called WALL-E it deals with the gluttony and all the abuses of it. Really to the point. I hope that it wakes up so many sleeping dead men women and children to the values of life. Thank you for your loving kindness and prayers for Dove. She is much better today.

Natalie said...

very convicting

Felisol said...

DEar Amrita,
you always have a lot on your mind. That's why your blog is so exiting and enlightening reading.

I love your ability to being engaged and committed.
Nothing lukewarm or indifferent in your posts. In fact your setting people on fire. So good.
Both Serina and I set down to read more about Azerbaijan. She was there a couple of month ago with money and equipment for a Christian orphanage.
She was and is engaged in this specific nation, so rich in culture and resources, so poor when money is concerned.
I guess the gap between poor and rich is getting bigger also in industrialized countries.
We definitely are heading towards
the end time.
But first the gospel has to be spread all over the world.
Yours Felisol

Julia Dutta said...

Hi Amrita,
I returned from Chandigarh last night. Its such a beautiful city - neat and clean. But I think that there is a drinking problem there because all the papers yesterday being Sunday, was filled with addresses when AA meeting are taking place and to me it seemed as if it was really a cry to help. This post was very informative and I went about in every blog you indicated a lead in and was truly fascinated by Robin's. Thanks for the links.

I hope you are doing well Amrita.